Tuesday, February 26, 2013

25 weeks, 105 days left to go

Peanut's the size of a cauliflower!

Your baby measures about 13.6 inches to 14.8 inches and weighs about 1.5 to 2.5 pounds. During week 25, baby's nervous system is rapidly developing, and he's enjoying his new sense of equilibrium, knowing which way is up and which is down. Plus, he's growing more hair too. (if heartburn is to tell, I'm having a monkey)  Will he have Mommy's hair color? Daddy's hair color? Or a different color altogether? The suspense of what baby will look like is building.

I passed my glucose tolerance test according to the nurse I talked with.  I would rather have talked to my dr but it had been a week and I wanted to know if I needed to find a sitter for the 3 hour test.  Peanut is moving around a lot lately.  Most active time seems to be around lunch and then after 8:30ish.  I'm waiting for the day Patrick feels Peanut kick him when he is laying/leaning on my belly.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

24 Weeks, 112 days to go

Peanut's the size of a cantaloupe!

At week 24, your baby's see-through skin is gradually becoming less translucent and is starting to look more opaque, like your own, but with the beauty of a new pink glow, thanks to the small capillaries that have recently formed. Plus, she's getting heavier and now weighs 12.7 to 20.8 ounces. She's 10.5- to 11.8 inches long now, too -- nearly an entire foot!There's a lot happening inside baby as well, and while her lungs have developed, they couldn't work outside of the womb yet. But the fact that her lungs are fully formed means that she's closer to being ready to survive (and thrive!) in the outside world!

Took my glucose test on Friday but haven't heard back yet about my results.  I did take my meter with and test on my own.  If the official Dr's tests come back the same as my meter I've failed and will have to take the 3 hour test.  Not much else is going on with me and Peanut right now.  Getting use to all the kicking and movement; especially at night when I'm laying down to go to sleep.  I don't remember Patrick being this active this early on, but his placenta was in the front and muted a lot of his movement.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Daycare Fun

Just some fun during daycare.  We "painted" polar bears with shaving cream last week.  This week we've made valentines and paper flowers.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

23 Weeks

Peanut is the size of a grapefruit or a football.

At 23 weeks, baby's getting bigger -- she's about 10.5 to 11.8 inches long and weighs 12.7 to 20.8 ounces. Plus, she's getting cuter! Ears start to develop and her face and eyes are forming. She's more aware, too, and is listening to your voice and your heartbeat, as well as to loud sounds, such as cars honking and dogs barking.You may also feel your baby move when she hears something familiar.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Old Wives Tales About Gender

One of the only times that a secret can truly remain a secret (if you choose) is while your are pregnant. So guessing the sex of your baby by comparing your signs and symptoms to the various Old Wives Tales you read can be fun. There's a 50/50 chance you will be right.  Since we did not finding out I thought this would be fun.

FYI, some may be to-much-information.

#1. If you are moody, you are having a girl because of all the extra female hormones.
                     Not me, must be a boy.

#2. It's a girl if your left breast is larger than your right breast. It's a boy if your right breast is larger than your left breast.
                     My right has always been slightly larger, must be a boy.

#3. Dark nipples are signs of a son.
                     Look the same to me, must be a girl

#4. If you eat garlic and the odor seeps out of your pores, then you're having a boy.
                      This always happens as garlic is water soluble.  I haven't noticed this, must be a girl

#5. If your urine is bright yellow, it's a boy. A dull yellow means a girl.
                       Must be a boy

#6. If you experience heartburn or indigestion during pregnancy your baby will have a full head of hair.
                     This one has nothing to do with gender, but we'll have a hairy baby.

#7. No morning sickness, it’s a boy.  A girl if you were sick or nauseous during your pregnancy.
                      Must be a boy

#8. A heart rate over 140 beats per minute(bpm), it's a girl. A boy's heart beat is slower.
                         Heart rate was 145-150, must be a girl.  Patrick was always right about 140-145.

#9. If you crave salty foods it's a boy. If you crave sweets then it's a girl.
                          Must be a boy

#10. If you eat the ends of bread, it’s a boy. If you eat the middle of the load, it’s a girl.
                           I do both, must be twins a boy and a girl

#11. If dad gains weight, it's a girl. If his weight stays the same, it's a boy.
                           I haven't noticed a change.
#12. It's a girl if you get acne due to the increased levels of the female charged hormones. A girl steals her mother’s beauty.
                          Must be a boy

#13. If the linea nigra stops at the belly button, it's a girl. If the linea nigra goes all the way to the bottom of the rib cage, it's a boy.
                           Can't see one so I guess this one doesn't count.

#14. You got dry hands; it's a boy.
                           I always have dry hands, must be a boy.

#15. More hair on your legs than normal, count on a boy.
                          I think I've actually have less then normal, must be a girl

#16. If your nose gets bigger and wider, expect a boy.
                           So far it's the same, must be a girl.

#17. If your nose swells, it's a girl. Same pre-pregnancy nose, it's a boy.
                          Ha, ha, this is the exact opposite of number 16, must be a boy according to this one

#18. If your face swells and gets rounder, it's a girl. Long and narrow face, a boy.
                         No swelling, must be a boy

#19. Cold feet, a boy
                         Always cold feet, must be a boy

#20. If your legs get really big, means a boy. If your legs stay in shape and lean, a girl.
                       So far the same, must be a girl

#21. If you find yourself clumsier with pregnancy, it's a boy.
                       Yes, oh my, must be a boy.

#22. If you remain grounded and still in control of your body, it's a girl.
                        Grounded and still in control 90% of the time, must be a girl.

#23. If you're carrying low, it's a boy. If you're carrying high, it's a girl.
                        I think I'm carrying low, so boy

#24. If you're carrying in front, it's a boy. All around your middle, it's a girl.
                         Can't tell yet, so no guesses here.

#25. Loop your wedding ring in a piece of thread and let it dangle over your belly. If the rings swings in a back and forth motion, it's a girl. If the ring moves in a circular motion, paint the room blue.
                      Back a forth, must be a girl

#26. If you hold a necklace over your hand and it swings back and forth, it's a boy. A circular moving necklace, stock up on the pink.
                       Back and forth, must be a boy.

#27. When asked to show your hands and you show your palm, it's a girl. Palm down = a boy.
                      Must be a girl

#28. If a toddler shows interest in you, you are having the opposite sex of the toddler. For example, a girl toddler expresses interest in you means you are having a boy.
                       Haven't noticed, will have to check back

The Chinese Gender Chart says we are having a boy.

Grand total =  14 for boy, 10 for girl, and  5 can't tell.

I've also been seeing a trend right now.  Since July 11 boys and 2 girls have been or will be born soon.

Edit note: I forgot two friends and had to update the numbers.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

22 Weeks

Peanut's the size of a papaya!

During month five, the average fetus measures about 10.5 to 11.8 inches and weighs about 12.7 to 20.8 ounces.  Now that he's got more developed eyes and lips, he's looking even more like a newborn.
He's sleeping in cycles -- about 12 to 14 hours per day (hint: they're probably those times you're not feeling any kicks!).

Going in for my gestational diabetes testing later this week or early next week.  Our ultrasound last Thursday went very well and Peanut is looking great.  Not much else is going on right now.