Our Expanding Family
Tales of a stay-at-home mom

Sunday, April 9, 2017
Feeling like I can't do anything right lately. Every time I do something I been criticized. Just tired. Ready to stop everything and become a hermit. Anyone else feel like they want to move to the middle of nowhere and never come back to "civilization"
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
Thursday, April 9, 2015
I made Lefse today.
I got my lefse griddle in the mail the other day and decided to make a batch as what I made in November has been long gone. Mind you I just used the two mixes that came with it, so they are not from scratch but decent.
Not that exciting except it was the first time I was able to use my Great-grandmother's lefse turner. My aunt sent it to me since I've started to make my own lefse and she doesn't. It isn't as pretty as the one that came with my griddle; no painted handle decorations. It's dark from years of use; made for utility, but that is what makes it beautiful.
I can't help but think of my great-grandmother, Amy Van Sabben, and wonder if she would be happy to know her lefse turner was being used and that the tradition of lefse making was continuing. I didn't get to know my great-grandma very well, as she lived a ways away, and I only got to see her one or two times a year. But the two things I always remember about her/her house is lefse and her trundle sewing machine.
I got my lefse griddle in the mail the other day and decided to make a batch as what I made in November has been long gone. Mind you I just used the two mixes that came with it, so they are not from scratch but decent.
Not that exciting except it was the first time I was able to use my Great-grandmother's lefse turner. My aunt sent it to me since I've started to make my own lefse and she doesn't. It isn't as pretty as the one that came with my griddle; no painted handle decorations. It's dark from years of use; made for utility, but that is what makes it beautiful.
I can't help but think of my great-grandmother, Amy Van Sabben, and wonder if she would be happy to know her lefse turner was being used and that the tradition of lefse making was continuing. I didn't get to know my great-grandma very well, as she lived a ways away, and I only got to see her one or two times a year. But the two things I always remember about her/her house is lefse and her trundle sewing machine.
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
It's been a while since I've posted. Life is busy with three children, espcially when two are under two. Evangeline is growing and more awake each day. She smiles and coos almost all he time. She even laughs but every time I try to take a video of her laugh she stops. I've been taking pictures a lot, almost daily as she has so many cute outfits but out-grows them so fast.
Colin is starting to say more and more each day. I have a hard time hearing him and don't always understand hims. There are times I hear him clear as day but can never get him to repeat what he says. He's still attached to his pacifier. In the next week or two he will be transitioning to a big boy bed and sharing a room with Patrick. Not ready to try and take the pacifier away just yet.
Patrick is now 4 and getting ready for 4-k. I had a meeting at a school about this and he came with to play in the 4-k room. The next 4 days he kept asking when he got to go back to school. Patrick has also become a LEGO lover. He is always asking me to build certain things; especially Lego Movie things.
Colin is starting to say more and more each day. I have a hard time hearing him and don't always understand hims. There are times I hear him clear as day but can never get him to repeat what he says. He's still attached to his pacifier. In the next week or two he will be transitioning to a big boy bed and sharing a room with Patrick. Not ready to try and take the pacifier away just yet.
Patrick is now 4 and getting ready for 4-k. I had a meeting at a school about this and he came with to play in the 4-k room. The next 4 days he kept asking when he got to go back to school. Patrick has also become a LEGO lover. He is always asking me to build certain things; especially Lego Movie things.
Monday, November 24, 2014
Evangeline's Birth Story
Sunday morning around 8:30 my water broke right after I had text Grandma to see if she would take the boys for a few hours after church so I could have some alone time before Evangeline's birth and maybe go for a long walk to help convince her to come out. It wasn’t a huge gush, just a trickle so I wasn’t sure at first. A few minutes later I had another small trickle and knew it was my water. I took the boys to church and then they went with Grandma afterwards while I left for the hospital after church.
I was admitted around 1:00 Sunday afternoon and was only about 2 cm with very weak and sporadic contractions. The OB on call was worried about my contractions being how they were 5 hours after my water broke, usually breaking of the water makes Labor come on fast and furious. About 6:30 pm I was only around 3 cm and I was having a lot of pain because of the contractions and back laboring. I decided to get an epidural because I was on the verge of crying I was in so much pain. I couldn't even tell when I was having contractions because of the constant back labor pain. The epidural was wonderful and I was able to rest and even took a nap.
Around 10 I was finally about half way there at 5 cm. Surprised to be fully ready to push Evangeline out soon afterwards. It took me 14 hours to get to 5 cm but only about 2 hours to make it to 10 cm. The nurse set everything up, the OB came in, and I started pushing. One contraction, 3 pushes later Evangeline was born at 12:55 am on November 24th. She weighed 8 lbs 2 oz just like Patrick and was 20 1/2 inches long just like Colin. She has lots of dark hair everywhere and is doing great.
I was admitted around 1:00 Sunday afternoon and was only about 2 cm with very weak and sporadic contractions. The OB on call was worried about my contractions being how they were 5 hours after my water broke, usually breaking of the water makes Labor come on fast and furious. About 6:30 pm I was only around 3 cm and I was having a lot of pain because of the contractions and back laboring. I decided to get an epidural because I was on the verge of crying I was in so much pain. I couldn't even tell when I was having contractions because of the constant back labor pain. The epidural was wonderful and I was able to rest and even took a nap.
Around 10 I was finally about half way there at 5 cm. Surprised to be fully ready to push Evangeline out soon afterwards. It took me 14 hours to get to 5 cm but only about 2 hours to make it to 10 cm. The nurse set everything up, the OB came in, and I started pushing. One contraction, 3 pushes later Evangeline was born at 12:55 am on November 24th. She weighed 8 lbs 2 oz just like Patrick and was 20 1/2 inches long just like Colin. She has lots of dark hair everywhere and is doing great.
Monday, May 12, 2014
Humbling Moments
Ever have your child chastise you? First for me today.
It was lunch time and I was trying to get lunch made while the babies and Patrick were in the living room. Patrick was playing with the baby gate that I had moved down stairs to put up over the stairs. I had told him to quit playing with it before he knocked it over and hit one of the babies.
I was starting to lose my patience; trying to cook, keeping the babies out of the kitchen, keeping Patrick from playing with the fence or jumping on the couch, ect. I had had it.
I was about to blow my top when Patrick looks at me and says "Mama, 'Have Patience, have patience, . . . '" Instantly I smiled and this calm came over me. I sang the rest of the song with him, gave him and hug and thanked him for reminding me to have patience.
I sing this song to him when he is starting to have problems waiting and he starts to cry about it. Never thought he would use it on me.
"Have patience, have patience
Don't be in such a hurry
When you get impatient, you only start to worry
Remember, remember that God is patient, too
And think of all the times when others have to wait for you"
It was lunch time and I was trying to get lunch made while the babies and Patrick were in the living room. Patrick was playing with the baby gate that I had moved down stairs to put up over the stairs. I had told him to quit playing with it before he knocked it over and hit one of the babies.
I was starting to lose my patience; trying to cook, keeping the babies out of the kitchen, keeping Patrick from playing with the fence or jumping on the couch, ect. I had had it.
I was about to blow my top when Patrick looks at me and says "Mama, 'Have Patience, have patience, . . . '" Instantly I smiled and this calm came over me. I sang the rest of the song with him, gave him and hug and thanked him for reminding me to have patience.
I sing this song to him when he is starting to have problems waiting and he starts to cry about it. Never thought he would use it on me.
"Have patience, have patience
Don't be in such a hurry
When you get impatient, you only start to worry
Remember, remember that God is patient, too
And think of all the times when others have to wait for you"
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