Sunday morning around 8:30 my water broke right after I had text Grandma to see if she would take the boys for a few hours after church so I could have some alone time before Evangeline's birth and maybe go for a long walk to help convince her to come out. It wasn’t a huge gush, just a trickle so I wasn’t sure at first. A few minutes later I had another small trickle and knew it was my water. I took the boys to church and then they went with Grandma afterwards while I left for the hospital after church.
I was admitted around 1:00 Sunday afternoon and was only about 2 cm with very weak and sporadic contractions. The OB on call was worried about my contractions being how they were 5 hours after my water broke, usually breaking of the water makes Labor come on fast and furious. About 6:30 pm I was only around 3 cm and I was having a lot of pain because of the contractions and back laboring. I decided to get an epidural because I was on the verge of crying I was in so much pain. I couldn't even tell when I was having contractions because of the constant back labor pain. The epidural was wonderful and I was able to rest and even took a nap.
Around 10 I was finally about half way there at 5 cm. Surprised to be fully ready to push Evangeline out soon afterwards. It took me 14 hours to get to 5 cm but only about 2 hours to make it to 10 cm. The nurse set everything up, the OB came in, and I started pushing. One contraction, 3 pushes later Evangeline was born at 12:55 am on November 24th. She weighed 8 lbs 2 oz just like Patrick and was 20 1/2 inches long just like Colin. She has lots of dark hair everywhere and is doing great.
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