I arrived at the Orthodox church early so that I would not miss anything, and so that I could look around. There were many people selling candles and flowers. I walked into the church and watched what people were doing. All round the walls of the church were other icons set on table. People would cross themselves, kiss the icon, and leave money for the saint. One man has a priest with him. The man kissed the icon in front of him, the priest then lifted a sash like cloth that he was wearing and placed it over the man's head. The priest then read a prayer from a book and blessed the man.
In the center of the church was a table with one or two icons representing Jesus. The table it's self represented the "grave of Jesus". People would cross themselves, pray, touch or kiss the icon of Jesus, leave money, and then crawl under the table. Crawling under the table represents becoming one with Jesus Christ in his death and resurrection. On the other side of the table, two priest would sprinkle them with holy water.
While watching the rituals being performed I could not help but feel as though I had walked into the enemies camp. These people were going through the rituals the receive "salvation" but they were receiving nothing from this. A feeling of emptiness grew in me as I watched These people are close to the reality of Jesus and yet so far from it. The truth is there for them to see, but they are blinded by tradition and rituals.
I urge you to look again at the Orthodox Church, but to suspend judgment. Rightly understood, those rituals and traditions you mentioned are simply tools to help the Orthodox bring their hearts (and bodies) to a place where they can worship Christ. The Orthodox Church loves, seeks, and preaches the truth about Jesus Christ. He is so magnified in their worship--but you wouldn't know this from only one or two visits as a Protestant Christian. If you were to spend the time getting to know what the Orthodox think and why they think it, you would see that your judgments are misguided. Please know I don't mean to pick a fight or upset you. But I once would have thought like you about the Orthodox, but I discovered I was wrong. Some of the Orthodox are nominal in their faith, but that's true of Baptists, Presbyterians, Lutherans, Non-denominational, Methodist, Anglican, Charismatic, Bretheren...you get the point.
They are not so far from Christ as you think. Just spend them seeking to understand them with an open heart, and you will see.
Sorry, I meant spend the time seeking to understand...
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