29 degrees, snow falling, slush forming on the road; I drove home from work three times this past week in these conditions. Each night I fought to stay on the tire tracks of the cars in front of me. Vearing off these tracks the car was pulled toward the ditch or on coming traffic, and the fight to get back on the tracks began. Each night I made it home safe and sound, though it took me longer to get home that normal.
Our spiritual life is very similar to driving in a snowstorm. We can only see in front of us a little, and often it takes us long to do the things we want to do. We follow the example of Jesus and fellow christians that have gone before and left their tracks for us as a legacy. The road we travel is narrow, and when we get off the tracks we are easily pulled into a ditch of sin. "Since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everthing that hinders and the sin tht so easily entagles"; Hebrews 12:1. We cannot pull ourselvs out of the ditch that sin can put us in nor can we pull out a car that has gone into the ditch. We have to call in a tow truck to pull out our cars; we have to call on Jesus to pull out our souls. "Anyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved"; Joel 2:32.
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