Rules: once you've been tagged, your are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.
1. Certain food make me gag (bananas and some puddings)
2. I lived and worked in Macedonia for about a year
3. I don't like most fish
4. I laugh a lot
5. I can be argumentative, especially when I'm right
6. I'm right a lot
7. The dictionary and spell check are my best friend
8. I randomly burst into song (to the shagrin of some family members)
9. I'm reading through the Bible in one year
10. I've been trying to get a teaching job for 5 years
11. I like to watch House, Chuck, and Psyche
12. I enjoy things from other cultures
13. I have a collection of Barbie Dolls (in the attic)
14. I own over 1,000 books
15. I only buy what I can afford; not credit card debt!!
16. Settler of Catan is the best game ever invented
17. I finally got a cell phone in December
18. I have a birthmark on the back of my neck
19. I caught on fire when I was 3 and got 3rd degree burns
20. My family thinks I was/am a button pusher
21. I'm opinionated
22. I don't like American Idol (oh, the horror)
23. I don't like to shop
24. I will be just like my mother (no denials, just admitting it now)
25. Family history and genealogy are interesting to me
I tag Sonya, Mark, and Ian

Thursday, January 29, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
Birthday Gift
Another year in my life has come and gone. I'm now 28! I've never quite understood why some people, women in particular, don't want to share their age, or weight for that matter. I'm proud to say that I have 28 years of experience under my belt and am looking forward to many more years (if I don't like my weight, I can do something about it). Each year I've learned, grown, and hopefully didn't make the same mistakes. This year to celebrate I decided to give blood. My mother gave life to me today, so I'm sharing the blessing by giving blood to help save a life today. I've donated blood previously and I am now two more donations away from having given a gallon of blood.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Inauguration Day

Today our new president was inaugurated in Washington DC amidst great fan fare and pageantry. Watching the inauguration on TV, I found that President Obama's speech to be very interesting. He didn't give a list of what he was going to do, in fact he hardly spoke about himself. Instead President Obama focused his speech on us as a nation and what we as a nation need or should do. He made a few references to being black and how far our country has come that he can now be the President. Maybe because I'm white or didn't live through segregation, I don't see the big deal about him being black and now the President. Race should matter, it doesn't to me. He even had a few references to God and scripture (the verse he used, in its original context, didn't really apply how he used it). He didn't place blame for our national situations on one person or group of people, but instead said it was all of our faults. I found this interesting since many people place all the blame on Bush and his administration, forgetting that the Democrats and they themselves played a part in what is happening as well. Over all his speech was good and challenged us as a nation to work for the better.
While I may not agree with many things our new President stands for, allows, or agrees with it is my job to pray (1 Timothy 2:1-2)for President Obama. God has placed President Obama in leadership(Romans 13:1, Daniel 2:21), whether for good or for the discipline of our nation. He has some very difficult decisions he will have to make in the next four years and he deserves and needs our prayers, whether we agree with him or not.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
I've been trying to keep my New Year's Resolutions and I've been doing pretty good so far. Of course it has only been a couple of days. Because I plan to read the Bible in one year, I've been reading in Genesis. Last night I read the story about how Rebecca was chosen to be Isaac's wife. I began to wonder what I would have done in her place. It's a normal day and I'm/she was doing her normal chores, which included getting water from the well. A stranger asks for water and she noticed his camels needed water as well. Being kind and hospitable she offers to water the camels. It makes since, the man has no pot to get the water for the camels him self. The next thing she knows the man is giving her jewelry and saying she is to marry his master. I don't know about you, but I would have freaked out. Some strange man is telling me I'm going to marry somebody I have never met.
Rebecca runs home, tells her family, and they send her off with the man. Now I'm sure there are a lot of cultural aspects to all of this story, but I would not have joined a strange man on a journey to marry a man I had never met. Being the good Norwegian that I am, I would have become stubborn and refused to leave with him. He would have to take me kicking and screaming. But not Rebecca, her family asks her if she will go and she says yes. I wonder what she was thinking? Was she afraid? Apprehensive? Nervous? What was going on in her mind the whole trip back to Isaac? The trip would have lasted at least a couple of days if not weeks? Her strength and courage to leave her family and marry an unknown man amazes me. Did God speak to her before all of this to make it easier, or was she just following cultural expectations for a young women? What ever the case, Rebecca did something I couldn't imagine doing.
Rebecca runs home, tells her family, and they send her off with the man. Now I'm sure there are a lot of cultural aspects to all of this story, but I would not have joined a strange man on a journey to marry a man I had never met. Being the good Norwegian that I am, I would have become stubborn and refused to leave with him. He would have to take me kicking and screaming. But not Rebecca, her family asks her if she will go and she says yes. I wonder what she was thinking? Was she afraid? Apprehensive? Nervous? What was going on in her mind the whole trip back to Isaac? The trip would have lasted at least a couple of days if not weeks? Her strength and courage to leave her family and marry an unknown man amazes me. Did God speak to her before all of this to make it easier, or was she just following cultural expectations for a young women? What ever the case, Rebecca did something I couldn't imagine doing.
Monday, January 5, 2009
New Year's Resolutions

1. Eat better. This means more fruits and vegetable and less sugar and breads (my greatest downfall).
2. Exercise more. Go for a walk two or three times a week weather permitting. I may not get to start this one until closer to spring; wonderful Wisconsin winters.
3. Read through the Bible in a year. That is 5 chapters a night give or take. Any ideas or suggestions of what order to read in let me know.
I'm sure I will come up with more, but these are the most important ones.
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