Patrick is two weeks old today and it's been a rough two weeks for our family. Michael went in for his year review at work to find out that they are switching his job for no reason other than "there needs to be a change." What does that mean? He has done everything they have asked him and more. He has done nothing wrong and is performing his job very well and yet they decided they need a change. He is now working 12 hour shifts and it's during the night. This means no more worship at church and he won't be at our parenting class for a couple weeks until he switches sides of the week. Michael is also then sleeping during the day. I only really get to spend time with Michael for about 2 hours after he wakes up and before he leaves for work. Stinky but we will have to make due until April when he switches back to days.
Patrick has been good over all. My biggest worry has been if he is eating enough. He only wants to eat every 3-4 hours and that is if I wake him up. Patrick would rather sleep than eat. We did have a rough day or two the day Michael had to go back to working the night shift. Patrick was so fussy and I was alone since Michael was at work. I couldn't seem to get him to calm down and when I did if I put him down, he would only sleep for 5-10 min and then start screaming again. I was at the end rope for a while and all I could do was cry. Yesterday Patrick was still fussy and I, again, broke down and cried. Here's to hoping today is better than the last two. We did get his pictures taken last week when Patrick was 8 days old.

Monday, January 31, 2011
Friday, January 21, 2011
Patrick Michael's Birth Story
People have been wanting to hear about our little bundle of joy. Patrick Michael Bohlman was born on January 17th, 2011 at 6:37 pm. He is 19 3/4 inches long and weighed 8 lbs 2 ozs. We've decided he has momma's nose, daddy's chin and long toes. All the dark hair, well, he got that from both of us.
Early Monday morning I awoke with what I thought was a braxton hicks contraction. I got up to use the restroom when I felt a trickle run down my leg. My first thought was either I peed myself or my water broke. After using the restroom, I stood to leave and felt more of a trickle and then a dripping sensation. Sure enough, my water had broken. Since I wasn't having consitent contractions, I tried to get some more sleep before heading to the hospital. We arrived at the hospital around 5:30 am and were admitted.
My contractions began to come in regular intervals and increasing strength as the day progresses. Michael and I watched TV and played a game of cribbage. As the contractions got stronger, I began to focus on breathing and nothing else. My goal was to have a natural birth with no medications. I wasn't against having a pain killer to help take the edge off if I needed later, but I did not want to have an epidural. By around 4 pm, my contractions were strong enough that I took some meds to help take the edge off the contractions, but I could still feel them very strongly.
At around 6 that evening, I began to push. Towards the end I was pushing so hard that I broke some of the capillaries in my face and shoulders. I looked as though I had red blotched all over. My eyes were even blood shot. I pushed until Patrick was born at 6:37. I was able to hold him right away and bond for a while before they took him for all his measurements and tests. Michael was able to watch as Patrick was born and he then cut the cord. We then took our first family photo. Do you think I look tired?
Friday, January 14, 2011
39 Weeks
One week left (I hope). I can't help but wonder will today be the day? It doesn't help that I know I'm making some progress to giving birth soon. On Monday at my appointment I was 1 cm dilated and 40% effaced. I hope this coming Monday at my appointment to find out I've made more progress. I've done all I can to get ready for being gone from work. I've been working on typing up all the information my substitute will need as well as lesson plans for this coming week just encase. Now I need to finish grading papers since the quarter and semester both end on my due date and I need to have grades in the next day. I'm thinking no new grades this coming week and only what I have in today will count.
Friday, January 7, 2011
38 Weeks Pregnant
This is me at 38 weeks pregnant. Do I look tired? I"m not, but I always look like it in my pictures. Not sure why. We only have two weeks, that's right, count them 1, 2 weeks, until Patrick's due date. Things are looking good for being ready at home for Patrick. His room is ready and waiting for him to come and start using it. His clothing is all washed, organized, and put in the dresser. Car seat is strapped in the car and the bags are all packed. Now it's just the waiting game until Patrick decides he's had enough of being squished inside.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Happy New Year!
If you are reading this I applaud you. I haven't written anything in over a year and most people have probably stopped checking to see if I've updated anything. Well, that's not quit true. I've written in my journal and on Facebook, just not on my blog. That may be part of the reason I haven't written on this blog in a long time. It's much easier to just update Facebook. Though you can give more details on a blog. So, all this to say "Sorry it has taken me over a year to write anything."
Now for something new. Yesterday, Michael and I went to the New Year's Game Night at our new church here in Beaver Dam. One of the people who came to the event, KJ, was an exchange student for Kyrgyzstan. One tradition they have in her home land is that each person writes down 12 wishes for the next year and then you choose 4 of your wishes. These are the wishes that will come true. Every decided to do this with KJ as well. My 4 wishes that will come true are listed below along with my 4 resolutions for this New Year. We'll see how I do.
1. Michael will get a raise
2. Michael will be able to start school this fall
3. Patrick's birth/my labor will be easy with no complications
4. We can get out of debt
1. Set up a consistent time for family Bible reading time and devotions
2. Write in this blog and my journal more consistently
3. Lose the baby weight I've put on after Patrick is born
4. Spend more time with family and friends
Now for something new. Yesterday, Michael and I went to the New Year's Game Night at our new church here in Beaver Dam. One of the people who came to the event, KJ, was an exchange student for Kyrgyzstan. One tradition they have in her home land is that each person writes down 12 wishes for the next year and then you choose 4 of your wishes. These are the wishes that will come true. Every decided to do this with KJ as well. My 4 wishes that will come true are listed below along with my 4 resolutions for this New Year. We'll see how I do.
1. Michael will get a raise
2. Michael will be able to start school this fall
3. Patrick's birth/my labor will be easy with no complications
4. We can get out of debt
1. Set up a consistent time for family Bible reading time and devotions
2. Write in this blog and my journal more consistently
3. Lose the baby weight I've put on after Patrick is born
4. Spend more time with family and friends
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