The Budget Repair Bill, BRB, has passed here in Wisconsin. Many different agencies are feeling the crunch, schools included. My job is currently being funded by a grant from the state. The grant is to help school start and maintain programs to help at-risk students. Today I found out that in the BRB the grant that funds my job was completely cut. I will be able to finish out the school year, but will not have the same job next year.
There is the possibility that I will have a job as a 5th grade teacher. The current 5th grade teacher is retiring, but the school is not sure if they will fill the position. Part of the BRB also cuts millions of dollars in school funding. One way school are looking to make up for the missing money is not to replace the retiring teachers. Jobs are being combined, and in Fall River's case two classrooms are being combined into one classroom. This makes replacing the retiring teacher unnecessary. Every school in the state is facing similar issues. While may people are retiring, the schools will not necessarily be filling the positions. Some districts are even considering closing whole school and combining them in other schools. This will leave teachers without jobs.
This all makes me worry about finding a new job this fall if Fall River decides not to fill the 5th grade position. I'm also up against teachers with more experience and the new graduates this spring. I'm also wondering already, I know prematurely, what to do if I don't get a job. Should I get a full time job somewhere else? Should I substitute? If I substitute I would need someone to watch Patrick on the days I work. Who would be willing to do that? Would a daycare or home daycare let me pay only for the days he comes? Should I just be a stay-at-home mom? I would love to do that, but I'm not sure we can live on just Michael's income. Could I work from home? What jobs would let me do that? Maybe I could do daycare for 2 or 3 children, but where would I put them in our little apartment? I don't know. I just have to wait and pray. God will always lead and answer our prayers. He is in control, and I just need to wait for his guidance.
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