Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Ate Poop :(
Patrick ate poop tonight. YUCK!
After his bath I normally let him walk to the living room naked. Tonight I let him go without his diaper beyond the normal walk from the bathroom. He has a little bit of diaper rash going on right now. I figured the air sans diaper would help it heal up faster. He had been walking around for about 30 minutes when I thought about putting his diaper on. About that time he walked to me by the couch and tried to pull the remotes off the couch. As I went to pick him up, to put a diaper on, I noticed something in his mouth. That's when I realized it was his POOP! He had pooped by the couch and then picked up some and tried to eat it. I was able to get it out before he swallowed any of it, but gross!
After his bath I normally let him walk to the living room naked. Tonight I let him go without his diaper beyond the normal walk from the bathroom. He has a little bit of diaper rash going on right now. I figured the air sans diaper would help it heal up faster. He had been walking around for about 30 minutes when I thought about putting his diaper on. About that time he walked to me by the couch and tried to pull the remotes off the couch. As I went to pick him up, to put a diaper on, I noticed something in his mouth. That's when I realized it was his POOP! He had pooped by the couch and then picked up some and tried to eat it. I was able to get it out before he swallowed any of it, but gross!
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Five Question Friday on Sunday :)
1. Is there a special dish you prepare that you are famous for?
I don't think I have one yet. I'll have to start working on that. I love to bake, so maybe I'll a good dessert.
2. Are you (did you) go Black Friday shopping?
No, I really didn't want or need anything that was on the Black Friday Sales. Taking Patrick wouldn't work well either. We did go out in the afternoon thought and pick up some stocking stuffers.
3. What are your strangest holiday traditions?
Naughty Santa? At my grandma's house we always did stockings first. Santa would always give some kind of "naughty" underwear to us. One year it was lacy, another sheer; my favorite was the thong with smiley faces.
4. Pecan or pumpkin pie?
5. When will you put up your Christmas tree?
I've decided not to put one up this year due to Patrick pulling everything he can reach onto the floor or into his mouth. This year it's just going to be a wreath and two garlands, one inside and one outside on the porch. I could put the tree up on the porch since we don't usually go out there in the winter. Normally the Christmas tree goes up on Friday or Saturday after Thanksgiving.
I don't think I have one yet. I'll have to start working on that. I love to bake, so maybe I'll a good dessert.
2. Are you (did you) go Black Friday shopping?
No, I really didn't want or need anything that was on the Black Friday Sales. Taking Patrick wouldn't work well either. We did go out in the afternoon thought and pick up some stocking stuffers.
3. What are your strangest holiday traditions?
Naughty Santa? At my grandma's house we always did stockings first. Santa would always give some kind of "naughty" underwear to us. One year it was lacy, another sheer; my favorite was the thong with smiley faces.
4. Pecan or pumpkin pie?
5. When will you put up your Christmas tree?
I've decided not to put one up this year due to Patrick pulling everything he can reach onto the floor or into his mouth. This year it's just going to be a wreath and two garlands, one inside and one outside on the porch. I could put the tree up on the porch since we don't usually go out there in the winter. Normally the Christmas tree goes up on Friday or Saturday after Thanksgiving.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Patrick's first Thanksgiving went very well. We had a great day with my parents and siblings. Patrick and his cousin Jonathan had a good time running all over the house and playing together. Dinner was a little later than normal, but everyone did good waiting for it. I was a little worried about Patrick getting cranky from hunger. We gave him some crackers to tide him over until dinner. Patrick said "Cracker" today. If you don't believe it, ask my mom; she heard it too. My favorite part of Thanksgiving was after dinner when the family plays games. Tonight, "Pirates Cove". Came in second to last, just before my brother. Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful as well. Thanksgivings the sequel on Saturday in Fond du Lac.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
New Insurance = New Doctor :(
I'm having to find a new doctor for Patrick and my self. Kind of bummed since I like our doctor. Now that I am no longer employed as a teacher, the family has had to go on Michael's health insurance. This means that the doctor I have been seeing is not an In-Network doctor. We could keeping going to see him, but it will cost us a lot of money. Money we don't have. Now I'm looking things over to find a doctor that is covered under the best possible coverage they have. Our insurance covers in three different ways; QuadMed clinic/Preferred, In-Network, and Out-of-Network. I'm hoping to find someone in the preferred listing since the coverage is much better and will cost us a lot less.
I wish that our hospital was covered since it is right over the hill but it looks like I'll have to take Patrick to either Waupun or Fond Du Lac. St. Agnes is listed in the Tier One hospitals, that looks like our best choice. I'm thinking I would like to find a family doctor with OB, then we would both have the same doctor and I wouldn't have to go to a new doctor the next time I get pregnant. I would like to keep Patrick with his current doctor until his 1st birthday, but then I'd have to pay for one more round of vaccinations. The last one cost us over $400. Don't think we can afford that again. His next appointment isn't until January, so I have some time to choose a new doctor.
I wish that our hospital was covered since it is right over the hill but it looks like I'll have to take Patrick to either Waupun or Fond Du Lac. St. Agnes is listed in the Tier One hospitals, that looks like our best choice. I'm thinking I would like to find a family doctor with OB, then we would both have the same doctor and I wouldn't have to go to a new doctor the next time I get pregnant. I would like to keep Patrick with his current doctor until his 1st birthday, but then I'd have to pay for one more round of vaccinations. The last one cost us over $400. Don't think we can afford that again. His next appointment isn't until January, so I have some time to choose a new doctor.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Expert Parenting Advice? Leave Me Alone!
It seems that everywhere I turn there is some new study that tells me what to do to be a "better" parent. The problem is one week I read one thing and the next week it is a study the shows or "proves" just the opposite. When Patrick was only a few months old I decided to stop reading all books, websites, and articles that told me what to do or what to not do. I mostly did this for my own sanity. I was starting to focus on what I wasn't doing or what I had done that I just read was a no-no. Needless to say I causing myself a lot of extra stress I didn't need.
Now I just read from my book "What to Expect the First Year" when I have a question about something. Usually it's just to check on certain milestones or symptoms. If I was going to survive being a parent then I needed to focus on my child and do what I thought was best. I have to live with the decisions that I make on how to raise my children. I'm not going to stress my-self out about what I should or should not be doing or constantly second guessing my parenting choices.
Now I just read from my book "What to Expect the First Year" when I have a question about something. Usually it's just to check on certain milestones or symptoms. If I was going to survive being a parent then I needed to focus on my child and do what I thought was best. I have to live with the decisions that I make on how to raise my children. I'm not going to stress my-self out about what I should or should not be doing or constantly second guessing my parenting choices.
Five Question Friday
1. Do you have a go to song that always puts you in a good mood?
Around this time of year I'd have to go with just about any Christmas song. I love the Sleigh Ride song and One King by Point of Grace. I would recommend the Christmas album by Todd Agnew, "Do You See What I See." All the songs are great.
2. Are you a real Christmas tree kinda person or do you go with a real fake one?
I'm more of a real Christmas tree person. Growing up we always had real trees; I love the smell that real trees give off. Right now we have a fake tree; I'm not sure if I'm going to put it up this year. Wondering how often I'll have to tell Patrick no.
3. What are you thankful for?
Top five things:
A. My Savior who died so that my sins would be forgive and that I could live.
B. My good-looking, awesome, gentile husband who works so hard to provide for us.
C. My Little Boy, I love being home with him all day.
D. My Godly parents who have always supported me.
E. My wonderful in-laws, I'm so lucky to have them and get along so well with them.
4. Which fashion fad from the past do you wish you could wear today?
I just wish I could wear the fad of today. Warning, possible TMI for some people. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, is cut to fit a women with very large breasts. I have to buy things to fit my chest and then have all kinds of extra fabric that makes me look about 50 lbs heavier than I am. Plus all the shirts with empire waistlines always cut me right across the middle of the breast. Not very attractive or flattering. Anybody want to design clothing for large chested women? I'd buy them.
5. Do you wait until the "low fuel" light comes on before you fill up the gas tank?
Not normally especially in the winter. You learn these things, especially when you live in North Dakota for a while. You don't want to get caught with a very low tank on a cold night.

Around this time of year I'd have to go with just about any Christmas song. I love the Sleigh Ride song and One King by Point of Grace. I would recommend the Christmas album by Todd Agnew, "Do You See What I See." All the songs are great.
2. Are you a real Christmas tree kinda person or do you go with a real fake one?
I'm more of a real Christmas tree person. Growing up we always had real trees; I love the smell that real trees give off. Right now we have a fake tree; I'm not sure if I'm going to put it up this year. Wondering how often I'll have to tell Patrick no.
3. What are you thankful for?
Top five things:
A. My Savior who died so that my sins would be forgive and that I could live.
B. My good-looking, awesome, gentile husband who works so hard to provide for us.
C. My Little Boy, I love being home with him all day.
D. My Godly parents who have always supported me.
E. My wonderful in-laws, I'm so lucky to have them and get along so well with them.
4. Which fashion fad from the past do you wish you could wear today?
I just wish I could wear the fad of today. Warning, possible TMI for some people. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, is cut to fit a women with very large breasts. I have to buy things to fit my chest and then have all kinds of extra fabric that makes me look about 50 lbs heavier than I am. Plus all the shirts with empire waistlines always cut me right across the middle of the breast. Not very attractive or flattering. Anybody want to design clothing for large chested women? I'd buy them.
5. Do you wait until the "low fuel" light comes on before you fill up the gas tank?
Not normally especially in the winter. You learn these things, especially when you live in North Dakota for a while. You don't want to get caught with a very low tank on a cold night.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
10 Months, Oh My!
It's hard to believe that Patrick is already 10 months old. In two short months, short due to all the holiday bustle, he will be a year. I've already began to plan his birthday party; can you tell I'm excited or maybe just pathetic. Patrick is doing great; WALKING everywhere. Patrick has been walking for about two or three weeks now and only crawls when he wants to go someplace fast; that won't last long. He starting to walk very fast and I have a feeling he will soon be running.
If you blink between the pictures you will get an idea of how fast Patrick can cross the room.
Patrick's favorite things to play with are his cars, balls, and the play sword I picked up after Halloween for $0.50. Patrick will hold onto one of his cars and push it on the floor while crawling. He especially likes to play with the Oscar the Grouch garbage truck that pops little balls. Another favorite thing is the Hot Wheels cars. They are small enough for him to hold in one hand and carry around. He does the same thing with the swords.
Patrick is eating more and more things. Just about anything I make for dinner Patrick will eat. I'm very thankful that he isn't a picky eater. Thanksgiving will be fun for Patrick. I give him food on a plate to eat. He does well eating off the plate but about half way through the meal he will turn his plate over and dump the food on his tray. At least it's not over his head, yet! Patrick now has two teeth. You can just barely see them in this picture, disregard my wet hair. I tried to give him a hair cut last night, but it didn't turn out well due to Patrick moving around so much. I want to grow out the top a little more in hopes that it will lay down. Michael wants me to cut his hair shorter; easier to clean when he starts putting the plate on his head. I'm thinking I'll cut it shorter tonight after dinner before his bath.
If you blink between the pictures you will get an idea of how fast Patrick can cross the room.
Patrick's favorite things to play with are his cars, balls, and the play sword I picked up after Halloween for $0.50. Patrick will hold onto one of his cars and push it on the floor while crawling. He especially likes to play with the Oscar the Grouch garbage truck that pops little balls. Another favorite thing is the Hot Wheels cars. They are small enough for him to hold in one hand and carry around. He does the same thing with the swords.
Patrick is eating more and more things. Just about anything I make for dinner Patrick will eat. I'm very thankful that he isn't a picky eater. Thanksgiving will be fun for Patrick. I give him food on a plate to eat. He does well eating off the plate but about half way through the meal he will turn his plate over and dump the food on his tray. At least it's not over his head, yet! Patrick now has two teeth. You can just barely see them in this picture, disregard my wet hair. I tried to give him a hair cut last night, but it didn't turn out well due to Patrick moving around so much. I want to grow out the top a little more in hopes that it will lay down. Michael wants me to cut his hair shorter; easier to clean when he starts putting the plate on his head. I'm thinking I'll cut it shorter tonight after dinner before his bath.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Night Shift
Michael is over half way done with working night shift. The past two weeks have been very busy at his work and he has been coming home very tired. Most days he goes to bed soon after arriving home. I'll be very glad when he is back on day shift. Sometimes I feel like we never get to see each other anymore. At least he has a job in this economy, I just wish he was still in his old position with the better hours.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Five Question Friday
1. What's the last thing you spent too much money on?
Scrapbooking supplies. I always spend to much on scrapbooking things. I bought an album coverset, and four packs of 15 pages inserts and the page protectors to go with them. Now I need to buy the paper to put the pictures on.
2. What celeb chef would you want to make you dinner?
Julia Child. I would love to watch her cook and help her in the kitchen. I also have a love affair with bread, cheese, and butter. Three staples in French food.
3. Where do you hide things when visitors pop over or do you let them see the real deal?
Usually I just let them see the real deal if it's just one couple or family. If there are more then one couple coming I hide things in my bedroom. I always figures I live in the house, so it should look like I live there.
4. Who is your oldest living family member?
My Grandmother, who will be 90 in a couple of days. She always said that she wanted to live to be 100 as long as she could take care of her-self. So far she's doing well with that. Happy Birthday Grandma.
5. What is your favorite DQ treat and/or Sonic drink combo (ie: cherry vanilla dr. pepper)
Peanut Buster Parfait. Love the loads of chocolate and peanuts. Salty and sweet make the best desserts.
Scrapbooking supplies. I always spend to much on scrapbooking things. I bought an album coverset, and four packs of 15 pages inserts and the page protectors to go with them. Now I need to buy the paper to put the pictures on.
2. What celeb chef would you want to make you dinner?
Julia Child. I would love to watch her cook and help her in the kitchen. I also have a love affair with bread, cheese, and butter. Three staples in French food.
3. Where do you hide things when visitors pop over or do you let them see the real deal?
Usually I just let them see the real deal if it's just one couple or family. If there are more then one couple coming I hide things in my bedroom. I always figures I live in the house, so it should look like I live there.
4. Who is your oldest living family member?
My Grandmother, who will be 90 in a couple of days. She always said that she wanted to live to be 100 as long as she could take care of her-self. So far she's doing well with that. Happy Birthday Grandma.
5. What is your favorite DQ treat and/or Sonic drink combo (ie: cherry vanilla dr. pepper)
Peanut Buster Parfait. Love the loads of chocolate and peanuts. Salty and sweet make the best desserts.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Play Kitchen Project
On Sunday I stopped by my parents to pick up my old play hutch. I remember having to go into my Grandma Bonny's garage to open it on Christmas morning; I was maybe 4 or 5. I use to play house and use the hutch as a kitchen. It has been in my parent's basement for many years. My plan is to make the hutch into a kitchen for Patrick to play with. Here is a before picture of my old hutch looking exactly the same as when I was little.
First step, have my dad help me cut a hole in the top for a sink. After this help, I'm all on my own.
Second step, remove the scalloped top so it will fit under the counter hangover. I took off the doors and shortened one for an oven door. Then I removed the top shelf and used it to make a divider underneath for the oven and pantry area.
Third step, paint. I've decided to go with a "cafe" feel. I have a kitchen towel with a coffee cup that is red, brown, black, and cream. These are the colors I will be using to paint the kitchen. I'll also need to paint the knobs and other details.
Fourth step, attache the knobs for the doors and then reattach the doors. Finally, I added a blue bowl for the sink, two knobs for the hot and cold water, and a faucet of some sort. On the right side I added four knobs for the stove, and to the side a towel rack. Overall, I like how it turned out.
First step, have my dad help me cut a hole in the top for a sink. After this help, I'm all on my own.
Second step, remove the scalloped top so it will fit under the counter hangover. I took off the doors and shortened one for an oven door. Then I removed the top shelf and used it to make a divider underneath for the oven and pantry area.
Third step, paint. I've decided to go with a "cafe" feel. I have a kitchen towel with a coffee cup that is red, brown, black, and cream. These are the colors I will be using to paint the kitchen. I'll also need to paint the knobs and other details.
Fourth step, attache the knobs for the doors and then reattach the doors. Finally, I added a blue bowl for the sink, two knobs for the hot and cold water, and a faucet of some sort. On the right side I added four knobs for the stove, and to the side a towel rack. Overall, I like how it turned out.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Daylights Savings Time
It's my first Daylight Savings Time with a baby who actually has a schedule and is effected by the time change. Patrick was still so small that he and I didn't feel the time change this spring, but not this time. Patrick has gotten into a pattern and the hour change has been interesting. Yesterday he woke up at his normal time which is now 5 am. I tried to keep him on his normal times for naps and eating to help with the change over. Needless to say he was pretty crabby by about 3 pm. Any time I would put him down he would fuss and cry and cling to my legs. He did go to bed a little earlier than normal last night. Today, woke up around 5:45. Slowly he his making the change. Took his nap a little early today but hasn't been quite as cranky. Overall, he's doing pretty good. Hopefully tomorrow he is back to normal.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Creative Play
While I'm still not sure about celebrating Halloween with Patrick, I do want to provide him with toys that will allow him to be creative. I tend to be of the mind set that children learn just as much from unstructured free play as from structured play and 'circle time.' Today I picked up two clearance Halloween costumes for him to use in pretend play. One is a doctors scrubs to go with the doctor kit we already have and the other is a knight like outfit. The outfits are way to big for him, but he will grow into them and for the price I paid it was worth it. I also picked up two plastic swords. About $40 worth of things for $9. He loved the swords.
Tomorrow I'm heading to my parents to pick up an old cabinet that was given to me for Christmas as a child. We used it to play house as a kitchen (this was before all the plastic kitchens that you find in stores now). I plan to fix it and paint it to make it look more like a little kitchen. Nothing major, just a mini make over; I'll post pictures when it is done.
Tomorrow I'm heading to my parents to pick up an old cabinet that was given to me for Christmas as a child. We used it to play house as a kitchen (this was before all the plastic kitchens that you find in stores now). I plan to fix it and paint it to make it look more like a little kitchen. Nothing major, just a mini make over; I'll post pictures when it is done.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Five Question Friday
1. What movie do you love to quote?
While watching, I like to quote "Independence Day."
2. Have you ever ridden a motorcycle?
Yes, many times. My dad had one when I was small and would take me for rides. Michael has one now that we would ride together until this year. Can't really take a baby on the motorcycle.
3. What's your favorite thing to do on a rainy day?
Read or bake. Reading is better for me since I end up eating everything I bake.
4. Do you prefer a bunch of small gifts, or one really big, (expensive) gift?
It depends on the year; this year I'm thinking many small gifts. Sometimes I would prefer the small groups, and sometimes it I would rather have the one large gift. I guess it depends on what I need/want. Meaningful or thoughtful gifts are best regardless of the size of the gift.
5. Do you ever lose track of days and show up somewhere wrong?
No, but I've written things down on the wrong day and then miss the event.
While watching, I like to quote "Independence Day."
2. Have you ever ridden a motorcycle?
Yes, many times. My dad had one when I was small and would take me for rides. Michael has one now that we would ride together until this year. Can't really take a baby on the motorcycle.
3. What's your favorite thing to do on a rainy day?
Read or bake. Reading is better for me since I end up eating everything I bake.
4. Do you prefer a bunch of small gifts, or one really big, (expensive) gift?
It depends on the year; this year I'm thinking many small gifts. Sometimes I would prefer the small groups, and sometimes it I would rather have the one large gift. I guess it depends on what I need/want. Meaningful or thoughtful gifts are best regardless of the size of the gift.
5. Do you ever lose track of days and show up somewhere wrong?
No, but I've written things down on the wrong day and then miss the event.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
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