Thursday, November 17, 2011

10 Months, Oh My!

It's hard to believe that Patrick is already 10 months old. In two short months, short due to all the holiday bustle, he will be a year. I've already began to plan his birthday party; can you tell I'm excited or maybe just pathetic. Patrick is doing great; WALKING everywhere. Patrick has been walking for about two or three weeks now and only crawls when he wants to go someplace fast; that won't last long. He starting to walk very fast and I have a feeling he will soon be running.

If you blink between the pictures you will get an idea of how fast Patrick can cross the room.

Patrick's favorite things to play with are his cars, balls, and the play sword I picked up after Halloween for $0.50. Patrick will hold onto one of his cars and push it on the floor while crawling. He especially likes to play with the Oscar the Grouch garbage truck that pops little balls. Another favorite thing is the Hot Wheels cars. They are small enough for him to hold in one hand and carry around. He does the same thing with the swords.

Patrick is eating more and more things. Just about anything I make for dinner Patrick will eat. I'm very thankful that he isn't a picky eater. Thanksgiving will be fun for Patrick. I give him food on a plate to eat. He does well eating off the plate but about half way through the meal he will turn his plate over and dump the food on his tray. At least it's not over his head, yet! Patrick now has two teeth. You can just barely see them in this picture, disregard my wet hair. I tried to give him a hair cut last night, but it didn't turn out well due to Patrick moving around so much. I want to grow out the top a little more in hopes that it will lay down. Michael wants me to cut his hair shorter; easier to clean when he starts putting the plate on his head. I'm thinking I'll cut it shorter tonight after dinner before his bath.

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