Sunday, April 29, 2012
Moving Day Fiasco
Nothing goes right for Michael and I. When we were dating we had mishaps and adventures . We took a canoe trip were we had a leaky canoe I had to bail out half the trip. The other half the trip consisted of a thunderstorm. There was the date were the window washing fluid was frozen and trucks were throwing stuff on the windshield that we couldn't wipe off. Enter the water bottle and me hanging out the window to dump it on the windshield. Not even our wedding was safe. Our pastor some how lost our vows. So it came as no surprise to us that moving day would have its adventure.
It all started with reserving a U haul on line. We got the confirmation e-mail and then thought nothing about it. Michael and my father-in-law Ron went to pick up the U Haul in Beaver Dam. While there the man said that no reservation could be found. They called about 10 minutes after they got back and said that they had found our reservation . . . in Watertown, 20+ miles away. They also tell us that they tried to call the number given to them to tell us this. The number given was my cell; all week I have been getting calls that when I answer results in my saying hello about 10 times before I hang up because there was no one on another line. If a company had to tell you about your moving truck being 20+ miles away there had better be a person calling you, not some automated message that never plays.
We needed the truck; no way to get around that. My sister and her husband, Mike, took the two boys and went to Watertown to get it. About 30 minutes later Mike calls to say that the U Haul people are only giving us 1 day, not a problem, and 39 miles with the truck. Most of those miles would be used just getting the truck to Beaver Dam. There was no way I was going to pay overage miles because they couldn't get the truck to the right place. Then, they wouldn't allow anybody but Michael or I to pick the truck up. I'm not driving 20+ miles leaving everybody at the apartment trying to figure out what need to go were. So, we cancelled the truck.
I knew that Taylor Rentals in Beaver Dam always had Penske trucks sitting in their parking lot. My mother and I drove there and I walked in asked for a truck and walked out with one in 20 minutes. Needless to say:
Friday, April 27, 2012
STRESSED! When Do We Close??
This past week has been every stressful. Thankfully, I'm not one who eats when they are stressed or I would have gained 10 lbs this week.
If only I exercised when stressed.
We were supposed to close on our house this Wednesday, April 25th. I got a call late Monday night from our loan processor at Chase saying that the underwriters needed a more detailed receipt from the electrician who made repairs at the house and that they couldn't order the mortgage insurance until the underwriters cleared the repairs. Getting the mortgage insurance takes 2-3 days. Even if we got them the correct receipt that night there was no way to close on Wednesday.
This means, even with a rush on everything, we will have to move closing to Friday or most likely Monday the 30th. We have to be out of the apartment on Monday the 30th. There is no way I can close, move, and have the apartment clean and ready to check out all on Monday. Plus everyone is coming on Saturday to help us move; on Monday, it would be me, and my mother doing most of the moving. Michael is now on night shift and sleeps all day and works all night. I can't ask him to work all night, stay up all day to move and then work all night.
We've been pushing for a Friday close but it doesn't look good right now. Unless all the paperwork gets finished by noon we are going to have to close on Monday. Now what to do with all our stuff that is being moved on Saturday!!
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Starting Early
Michael played a lot of chess in college and even has a ranking. We, therefore, have a number of chess boards and pieces in the house. Patrick found on the other day and was carrying around the bag the pieces are kept in. I decided to start him early on playing chess with Daddy. He mostly chewed on the pieces.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Packing the House and Getting Ready to Move
We move to our new home in one week. While very excited to be moving to my own home that I can paint, decorate and change as I want; I faced with the daunting task of packing our apartment with the help of a 1 year old.
While normally Patrick doesn't pay much attention to what I'm doing, he loves to "help" me pack. Of course his idea of helping is to pull the bubble wrap around the house, walk away with the scissors and tape, and to pull out what was just put into the boxes. He also loves to climb on top of the boxes that are taped shut and stacked. This has let to finding Patrick half way up the book shelf and on the window sill in the office area.
It is now a waiting game for next week when we close and move. I bought a fridge and range for the house yesterday and found a good deal on some decorations for the dinning room. I can't wait to paint the house! PAINT COLORS on the walls, no more white walls and white carpeting like we have had the past 2 years in the apartment.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Home Hunting 104
We have received our loan commitment papers from the bank last week for our home. We are now only waiting to get some things finalized and to have a few things fixed on the house before closing at the end of the month.
We have been very blessed to week to be giving a washer and dryer for free as well as a lawn mower. A co-worker of my mother's bought new a washer and dryer for their home and offered us their old ones for free if we hauled them away. The lawn mower is new last year. We have be blessed and are excited to be moving soon.
We have been very blessed to week to be giving a washer and dryer for free as well as a lawn mower. A co-worker of my mother's bought new a washer and dryer for their home and offered us their old ones for free if we hauled them away. The lawn mower is new last year. We have be blessed and are excited to be moving soon.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Too Young For This
It happened. I knew it would, I was just hoping it would be later. Patrick climbed out of his crib today.
Patrick has been playing with the outlets and cords a lot lately. He likes to unplug things and then plug them back in. He does pretty good with this, much to my dismay. Tonight he crawled behind the couch to unplug and plug in the lamp. I pulled him out from behind the couch many times and had told him "No cords." just as many.
Since he wasn't listening, I put him in his crib while I went to find a way to block his entrance point. Not even 5 minutes later he come walking out of his room smiling. Part of me was proud that he learned to do this. The other part said "How am I going to keep him in his crib at nap and bedtime."
He's only 14 months old. He's to young to be doing this.
Patrick has been playing with the outlets and cords a lot lately. He likes to unplug things and then plug them back in. He does pretty good with this, much to my dismay. Tonight he crawled behind the couch to unplug and plug in the lamp. I pulled him out from behind the couch many times and had told him "No cords." just as many.
Since he wasn't listening, I put him in his crib while I went to find a way to block his entrance point. Not even 5 minutes later he come walking out of his room smiling. Part of me was proud that he learned to do this. The other part said "How am I going to keep him in his crib at nap and bedtime."
He's only 14 months old. He's to young to be doing this.
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