About this time last year, Michael and I found out we need to have our basement fixed. We got a estimate from one place about how much it would cost to fix. Needless to say, it was way out of our reach.
This spring, we received a letter for the city about a rehabilitation program. We would be given a loan to fix the basement and possibly the doors with no interest and no payments. We would just have to pay it back when we sold the house. Needless to say, this was an answer to our prayers.
We are now one step closer to getting our basement fixed. An inspector came by the house yesterday and look everything over. We are now getting quotes to fix things the basement and replace the doors. We are hoping to get everything fixed and done by spring.

Monday, November 11, 2013
Friday, November 1, 2013
All Hallows Day
Most people forget that the day after Halloween is a Christian holiday, primarily Catholic. Even the name Halloween comes from this day. "Hallow" means Holy and "Een" is an abbreviation of evening. Halloween means Holy Evening; fitting as it is the day before All Saints/Hallows Day.
An almost forgotten holiday it is. Christians are to spend the day remembering and honoring the saints who have come before us; martyrs and non. While I'm not Catholic I like the idea behind the day. Taking time to remember those who died for their faith and those who gave their lives to the ministry.
I have a lot of people that I look up to from the Christian faith. Most are missionaries who followed God's call and persevered through many trials. Lillian Trasher, Hudson Taylor, Gladys Aylward; all sacrificed much but did so much more for God's kingdom. Many of the saints did the same; stood up for Christ in the face of death and spread the gospel to those who didn't know him.
An almost forgotten holiday it is. Christians are to spend the day remembering and honoring the saints who have come before us; martyrs and non. While I'm not Catholic I like the idea behind the day. Taking time to remember those who died for their faith and those who gave their lives to the ministry.
I have a lot of people that I look up to from the Christian faith. Most are missionaries who followed God's call and persevered through many trials. Lillian Trasher, Hudson Taylor, Gladys Aylward; all sacrificed much but did so much more for God's kingdom. Many of the saints did the same; stood up for Christ in the face of death and spread the gospel to those who didn't know him.
Monday, October 28, 2013
4 months
Late, but better than never I guess.
Colin turned 4 months old about two weeks ago now. He's growing so fast and starting to interact with Patrick a lot more. He's almost able to roll over from his stomach to his back but not quit yet. He will get to his side and even get his hips all the way over but can't quit figure out the shoulders.
He's also starting to talk a lot. I love his little squeals and his little laugh. Patrick seems to get the best laughs out of Colin. The boys do well together and Colin doesn't mind when Patrick sits on him. He actually seems to like it.
Colin had an appointment this month as well. He's in the 90% for both height and weight. At my bible study on Tuesday nights he was on the floor next to another little boy who is 6 months old. They were the same size.
Took Colin and Patrick to Iowa to visit my Grandmother and other family members. Thankfully, my mom and dad were heading to Iowa as well, so we all drove together. Colin and Patrick did very well on the 4-5 hour drive. It actually ended up being closer to 6 hours on the way home as we had to stop for lunch and to feel Colin.
Colin turned 4 months old about two weeks ago now. He's growing so fast and starting to interact with Patrick a lot more. He's almost able to roll over from his stomach to his back but not quit yet. He will get to his side and even get his hips all the way over but can't quit figure out the shoulders.
He's also starting to talk a lot. I love his little squeals and his little laugh. Patrick seems to get the best laughs out of Colin. The boys do well together and Colin doesn't mind when Patrick sits on him. He actually seems to like it.
Colin had an appointment this month as well. He's in the 90% for both height and weight. At my bible study on Tuesday nights he was on the floor next to another little boy who is 6 months old. They were the same size.
Took Colin and Patrick to Iowa to visit my Grandmother and other family members. Thankfully, my mom and dad were heading to Iowa as well, so we all drove together. Colin and Patrick did very well on the 4-5 hour drive. It actually ended up being closer to 6 hours on the way home as we had to stop for lunch and to feel Colin.
Friday, September 20, 2013
3 Months
A little late but what do you expect. Colin is 3 months old and awake a lot more now. He is starting to try rolling over; he gets to his side but can't quite get the rest of the way over. He is eating about every 3-4 hours and has been sleeping through the night now for a couple of weeks. He still gets up every once and a while to eat but not very often. He has started to laugh aloud just this week as well. Patrick was "dropping" onto Colin and Colin was laughing; so glad I was able to get it on video.
Colin had his three month pictures taken at Little Farmer. They turned out wonderful. I had a hard time picking out my favorites. Laura was even able to get a few really good ones of Patrick.
Colin had his three month pictures taken at Little Farmer. They turned out wonderful. I had a hard time picking out my favorites. Laura was even able to get a few really good ones of Patrick.
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Quarry Quest
Patrick loves big trucks and anything even close to large machinery. To fuel this love, I took him to Neenah, for Quarry Quest. It's a large working quarry that is set up into many different stations/area for you to explore and learn. You can learn some basic geology and even some chemistry (mixing concrete) and history (cave paintings).
The big attraction for Patrick was the excavators. He was so excited to be able to sit in and "drive" one. He waited patiently for 45 minutes for his turn that lasted maybe 2 minutes.
The big attraction for Patrick was the excavators. He was so excited to be able to sit in and "drive" one. He waited patiently for 45 minutes for his turn that lasted maybe 2 minutes.
Thankfully for Mama, right next to the lines for the diggers were large sand piles for the children to dig in. That really helped Patrick wait for his turn.
There was so much to do that we didn't get to it all, not even half of it. We did so a rock painting and dug for fool's gold. We were also able to ride in the back of a large dump truck filled with rocks. You couldn't get a picture of the truck but I did take one with Patrick sitting on the rock waiting to go.
I'm planning to take the boys back next year, this time with at least one more adult to help watch the boys. Colin was fine, but some times I had a hard time keeping up with Patrick.Saturday, August 24, 2013
2 Months Old
A week late but Colin is now two months old. He is doing very well and growing very fast. He is now 24 inches long and weighs 13 lbs and 7 oz putting him in the 85 percentile for his age in both areas. I've moved him into 3-6 month clothing this week.
He is learning to coo and make noises besides just crying. He seems to surprise him-self sometimes with the noises he makes. He smiles a lot especially after waking up and eating. It's fun to watch him smile at other people in church or the stores.
He has begun to sleep through the night this week. He goes to bed about 8:30 or 9 and wakes up around 6 or 6:30. Since he has been consistent for a week I marking it down as Sleeping Through The Night on his little milestones calendar.
He is learning to coo and make noises besides just crying. He seems to surprise him-self sometimes with the noises he makes. He smiles a lot especially after waking up and eating. It's fun to watch him smile at other people in church or the stores.
He has begun to sleep through the night this week. He goes to bed about 8:30 or 9 and wakes up around 6 or 6:30. Since he has been consistent for a week I marking it down as Sleeping Through The Night on his little milestones calendar.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
1 Month Old
Colin is one month old now, and doing well. Patrick seems to be adjusting well to having Colin in the house. He still have his moments and I'm just not sure what to do anymore. Patrick doesn't seem to respond to any type of discipline. This morning Patrick hit Colin with the broom while I was cleaning up breakfast. Colin now has some cuts/scratched on his nose and Patrick got a time out.
Colin is finally eating (well almost) on a regular schedule of every 3 hours. He still has times of wanting to eat every hour, usually at night before bed. He is sleeping great; usually goes to bed around 10 or 11 and only wakes up once during the night.
We started cloth diapers with Colin; they make his butt very big. I bought a few extra covers as Patrick is still in cloth diapers right now. I'm hoping to potty train Patrick soon and will then use the covers I already have for Colin. I bought some training pants for Patrick and hope they come soon. They are made by Best Bottoms just like my cloth diapers. Any tips for potty training?
Colin is finally eating (well almost) on a regular schedule of every 3 hours. He still has times of wanting to eat every hour, usually at night before bed. He is sleeping great; usually goes to bed around 10 or 11 and only wakes up once during the night.
We started cloth diapers with Colin; they make his butt very big. I bought a few extra covers as Patrick is still in cloth diapers right now. I'm hoping to potty train Patrick soon and will then use the covers I already have for Colin. I bought some training pants for Patrick and hope they come soon. They are made by Best Bottoms just like my cloth diapers. Any tips for potty training?
Sunday, June 23, 2013
First Week
Colin's first week has gone by quickly. He is doing well and everyone seems to be adjusting well. Patrick doesn't seem to notice Colin unless I'm feeding him or he is crying. Colin has been doing well with nursing and has a good sleep schedule going on. He's been going down for the night around 10:30 and wakes up somewhere around 7:30. He usually wakes up only once to eat and goes right back to sleep. He sleeps pretty soundly and quietly. I've had to check on him a couple times to make sure that he is still breathing he is so quiet.
We went and had his newborn pictures taken today. We got some good family photos and sibling photos taken. He didn't want to cooperate for his individual pictures, so we are going back tomorrow for those. I can't wait to see all the pictures once they are all done.
This week will be pretty quiet around the house. Patrick has gone to the cottage with grandma and grandpa until Wednesday afternoon. I hope to get a few things done around the house. Next week, for the 4th of July, we are all going to the cottage. I was thinking about going with this week but with Colin still getting onto a schedule I thought it would be best to wait. I don't want to possibly throw him off.
This week will be pretty quiet around the house. Patrick has gone to the cottage with grandma and grandpa until Wednesday afternoon. I hope to get a few things done around the house. Next week, for the 4th of July, we are all going to the cottage. I was thinking about going with this week but with Colin still getting onto a schedule I thought it would be best to wait. I don't want to possibly throw him off.
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Introducing Colin Robert
Colin Robert was born on June 15, 2013 around 11:15 pm. He weighed 7 lbs and 15 oz and is 20 inches long. Lost of dark hair and brown eyes. All natural labor, no drugs for pain or to keep things moving along. Pictures will follow.
I was awaken around 5 am with contractions. They continued all day with no real pattern or consistency to how long they were. Only a little painful but not bad. I ran some errands and even stopped by a baby shower for a friend that afternoon. Watched a couple movies and did a some laundry.
My contractions started to become regular and consistent around 5 pm; about 1 minute long every 10 minutes of so. Michael and I watched a movie while I continued to time my contractions. We were told not to come to the hospital until the contractions 5 minutes apart, 1 minute long for 1 hour. About 30 minutes before the movie ended we reached this criteria. We finished the movie and headed to the hospital. It was about 9 pm at this time.
Just getting up and moving made my contractions increase quickly. We got to the hospital, checked in, and up to labor and delivery by 9:30. They hooked me up and started some of the initial registration questions. They checked me and I was at 6 almost 7 cm and 100% effaced by about 10 pm. By the time they got my IV in for my antibodies I was already 8-9 cms. Not time for drugs for me, which was fine since I didn’t want any. I started pushing around 11 pm. Two contractions and 6 pushes later, Colin Robert came into the world. He had the normal newborn mewing cry instead of the high-pitched scream that Patrick had; I’m very grateful for that. No tears and everything went great; much faster and easier than with Patrick.
Colin has had a little trouble keeping his temp up so he spend most of the night in the nursery. He didn’t like his bath but loved having his hair combed. He also holds his breath when he cries.
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Dear Peanut,
You are over due by two days and it's driving your mama crazy! I know it's normal for baby's to go over due but in our "modern and advanced" world our first instinct is to make you come out as close to your estimated delivery date as possible. Mama would rather wait and let you come when you want to come. Lucky for us, mama's doctor agrees that letting you come naturally is better than forcing you out. Mama was able to push your eviction notice back for almost an entire week. While you can stay in until next week Friday, mama wants you out now. The sooner the better for everyone otherwise mama has to go take some tests to make sure you are okay in there.
Everyone can't wait to meet you and have you join our family. Mama has your room 95% ready for you, just waiting for your shelves and to put your name up. Daddy has been on baby watch for the past week at work and I know he's anxious for you to come as well. Grandma and Grandpa are going on vacation and I know they would like to meet you before they take off for almost 2 weeks.
On a side note, Mama is thinking of changing your name to Sheldon; the little chicken who wouldn't hatch because he read the newspaper and the outside world scared him. Mama and Daddy promise to take good care of you and to protect you so there's no reason to be scare and stay inside. :)
Everyone can't wait to meet you and have you join our family. Mama has your room 95% ready for you, just waiting for your shelves and to put your name up. Daddy has been on baby watch for the past week at work and I know he's anxious for you to come as well. Grandma and Grandpa are going on vacation and I know they would like to meet you before they take off for almost 2 weeks.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013
40 Weeks, You Can Come Out Now Peanut
WHOOP, WHOOP Today is our estimated date of delivery!
Peanut's the size of a jackfruit
In month nine, the average fetus is about 6.2 to 9.2 pounds and measures about 18.9 to 20.9 inches (wow!). But you really won't know exactly how big your baby is until his birth. Baby's hair and nails continue to grow, and she's keeping up that lung development too.
I'm ready to be done as today is Peanut's due date. I feel like I'm overdue as Patrick was born a few days early. I was suppose to have a dr appointment yesterday but had to reschedule for Thursday afternoon instead. Been having a few random contractions but nothing serious or timeable. Back pain is still coming round when I do have contractions. TMI warning; I've also had an increase in mucus discharge as well. All signs that labor is coming soon but nothing really going on. The twins that I watch are not coming any more as brother is out of school and all three are being watched by the same summer babysitter. Baby Archer is still coming and will until Peanut comes.
Peanut's the size of a jackfruit
In month nine, the average fetus is about 6.2 to 9.2 pounds and measures about 18.9 to 20.9 inches (wow!). But you really won't know exactly how big your baby is until his birth. Baby's hair and nails continue to grow, and she's keeping up that lung development too.
I'm ready to be done as today is Peanut's due date. I feel like I'm overdue as Patrick was born a few days early. I was suppose to have a dr appointment yesterday but had to reschedule for Thursday afternoon instead. Been having a few random contractions but nothing serious or timeable. Back pain is still coming round when I do have contractions. TMI warning; I've also had an increase in mucus discharge as well. All signs that labor is coming soon but nothing really going on. The twins that I watch are not coming any more as brother is out of school and all three are being watched by the same summer babysitter. Baby Archer is still coming and will until Peanut comes.
Sunday, June 9, 2013
What to Do During Nap
My child will never cease to amaze me. The things he will do to avoid a nap.
I put him down for his nap today and left him with Michael while I ran an errand and got my hair trimmed before Peanut comes. As I'm leaving I see Patrick is looking out his open window at the neighbor kids. My first thought is "I should go back and close the windows so Patrick doesn't spend his entire "nap" yelling out the window. I keep going.
Fast forward about 1.5 hours. I'm pulling up to the house and look up at Patrick's room.
His curtain is flapping in the wind outside the house. He took the screen out; not pushed or ripped out but took it out. There are two little levers that you can lift up and the screen will pop out intacted and undamaged. This is what Patrick did. Then I see this . . .
All his bedding and the books from the book shelf. At least he didn't rip up the books first.
I put him down for his nap today and left him with Michael while I ran an errand and got my hair trimmed before Peanut comes. As I'm leaving I see Patrick is looking out his open window at the neighbor kids. My first thought is "I should go back and close the windows so Patrick doesn't spend his entire "nap" yelling out the window. I keep going.
Fast forward about 1.5 hours. I'm pulling up to the house and look up at Patrick's room.
His curtain is flapping in the wind outside the house. He took the screen out; not pushed or ripped out but took it out. There are two little levers that you can lift up and the screen will pop out intacted and undamaged. This is what Patrick did. Then I see this . . .
All his bedding and the books from the book shelf. At least he didn't rip up the books first.
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Come on Peanut
Waiting is not a strong point for me. I'm ready for baby to come but so far, still waiting. Poor Michael isn't much better, especially since he is at work. He keep checking his e-mail to see if I've gone into labor. The twins I have for daycare had their last day yesterday. The baby will keep coming until I go into labor. I've been given the go ahead to have Peanut anytime now from everyone except Uncle Paul; the choir director. The choir is singing on Sunday and he wants me there for that.
Things are getting closer though. I've been having more discharge today already and my lower back was hurting a lot last night. Both are signs that labor MAY be starting soon. I was also having fairly regular weak contractions all last night as well. They were not my normal Braxton Hicks but not stronger like real contractions. Going to Walleye Weekend to do some walking around and hoping to start real labor.
Any guesses as to when Peanut will join us??
Things are getting closer though. I've been having more discharge today already and my lower back was hurting a lot last night. Both are signs that labor MAY be starting soon. I was also having fairly regular weak contractions all last night as well. They were not my normal Braxton Hicks but not stronger like real contractions. Going to Walleye Weekend to do some walking around and hoping to start real labor.
Any guesses as to when Peanut will join us??
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
39 Weeks; Any Day Now
Peanut's the size of a watermelon!

Baby keeps growing, despite being so crowded in there. He probably weighs around 6.2 to 9.2 pounds and measures about 18.9 to 20.9 inches. Are we there yet? You’re probably feeling like you want to get this baby the heck out of you. We’re not sure, but the impatience and discomfort many moms feel around 39 weeks (and beyond!) might be nature’s way of getting you mentally prepared for delivery. Remember how freaked out you used to be about it? Now, at week 39 you probably don’t care what you have to do, you just don’t want to be pregnant anymore! He's probably able to flex his limbs now. His brain is still rapidly developing -- he's getting smarter by the week! His nails may extend past his fingertips.
Hoping this is the last week of being pregnant. Patrick was born at 39 weeks and 4 days, so I'm hoping Peanut decides to do the same. That would mean Peanut would be here by this weekend.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Only About 2 Weeks Left
Peanut's the size of a pumpkin!
Baby is about 18.9 to 20.9 inches long and weighs about 6.2 to 9.2 pounds. Her head is now about the same circumference as her abdomen. By week 38, your baby may have about an inch or so of hair already. She's also slowly shedding that white goo on her skin (called vernix caseosa), but you might still see some of it at birth.
Getting ready for Peanut to join us really soon. Organizing the baby's closet and getting the final touches put on. Not much else is going on.
Baby is about 18.9 to 20.9 inches long and weighs about 6.2 to 9.2 pounds. Her head is now about the same circumference as her abdomen. By week 38, your baby may have about an inch or so of hair already. She's also slowly shedding that white goo on her skin (called vernix caseosa), but you might still see some of it at birth.
Getting ready for Peanut to join us really soon. Organizing the baby's closet and getting the final touches put on. Not much else is going on.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
37 weeks, term :)
Peanut's the size of a winter melon!
Yay! Baby has reached full term. She likely measures around 18.9 to 20.9 inches and weighs about 6.2 to 9.2 pounds, and she's gaining about a 1/2 ounce each day. During week 37, baby's practicing some skills: inhaling, exhaling, sucking, gripping and blinking. She's also getting her first sticky poop (called meconium) ready for her first diaper.
Only about 3 weeks to go but I'm hoping Peanut decides to come a few days early. Sleep has been fleeting lately; keep waking up sore and it's very hard to roll over without smacking Michael in the head. Had my OB appointment on Monday. Everything looks good, heartbeat was 135-145 and I'm measuring right on. Peanut's head is lower in my pelvis already but not much else is going on (not really effaced at all and only 1 cm).
Yay! Baby has reached full term. She likely measures around 18.9 to 20.9 inches and weighs about 6.2 to 9.2 pounds, and she's gaining about a 1/2 ounce each day. During week 37, baby's practicing some skills: inhaling, exhaling, sucking, gripping and blinking. She's also getting her first sticky poop (called meconium) ready for her first diaper.
Only about 3 weeks to go but I'm hoping Peanut decides to come a few days early. Sleep has been fleeting lately; keep waking up sore and it's very hard to roll over without smacking Michael in the head. Had my OB appointment on Monday. Everything looks good, heartbeat was 135-145 and I'm measuring right on. Peanut's head is lower in my pelvis already but not much else is going on (not really effaced at all and only 1 cm).
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
4 Weeks Left
well, only if I have Peanut right on my due date.
Peanut's the size of a honeydew (my favorite melon)
She's still in the 17.2- to 18.7-inch and 4.2- to 5.8-pound range and continues to beef up. Your once-poppy-seed would probably be able to breathe on her own if she was born right now. (If not, she’d probably need some TLC, but she’d likely be okay.) Most of her systems and her organs, such as her liver and kidneys, are in working order at 36 weeks. Since baby really could decide to make his arrival any day now, try to put in a little prep work. For example, if you took a child birth class a few months ago, you might want to reread any materials you were given and practice some of the breathing techniques you learned with your partner. Go over your plan for getting to the hospital, and all the what-ifs (like, if you go into labor while you’re at work, will you go home first or straight there?). Week 36 is also a good time to enjoy a date with your partner. We’re guessing you won’t be up for dancing, but a nice dinner might be just what you two could use.
Had a good time at my brother's wedding on Saturday. Danced with the cutest guy in the room (Patrick). He wouldn't come off the dance floor. Michael and I had to take turns dancing with him. I'm excited for the baby to come, mostly so I can sleep on my back again and get off the couch easier. Plus I'm ready for the braxton hicks contractions to go away. I get so uncomfortable and they seem to be increasing. Maybe this is a sign peanut will come early.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
35 Weeks, 35 Days to Go
Peanut's the size of a coconut! (Makes me want a Pina colada right now)
Growing, growing, growing. Yup, baby and you. You’ve reached 35 weeks, and your uterus has grown about 1,000 times its original size, a number that might sound exaggerated to everyone else -- but to you it probably feels more like a million. You can expect to gain about a half-pound a week before birth, and baby’s beefing up, too. He's about 17.2 to 18.7 inches. From here on out, he won't get much longer, but he's plumping up. He's now about 4.2 to 5.8 pounds, and he'll put on a pound or more of baby fat before birth. Now, his hearing is fully developed, and he responds best to high-pitched noises. If it's a boy, his testes have probably fully descended.
Having a few rough days lately with heartburn and indigestion as well as all the Braxton Hick contractions; some are painful like a real contraction. Some days are worse than others. I've found using the exercise ball really helps with the BH contractions. Peanut has been very active lately. It's fun to watch my belly dance. We are loving the good weather and take as much time to be outside as possible. Only about 35 more days to go, I'm excited to have Peanut here but a little worried about how I'll do with a 2.5 year old and a newborn.
Patrick and I "sharing" my Pina Colada (it's a virgin) on the cruise last summer.
Monday, May 6, 2013
Cute Bedtime Story
I went to the church craft night and left Patrick home with Michael. I wasn't sure how it would be at home as Patrick cried alot when I left. He didn't take a nap today as well which most likely lead in part to the crying fit he had.
When it was bedtime Patrick picked out a book to read, "Llama Llama Misses Mama." In it a little Llama goes to preschool for the first time and misses his mama. At one point, during lunch, the little Llama starts to cry. Michael read it and when they got to the part where the little Llama is missing his mama and cries Patrick pointed at the picture and then made a sad face and pointed to him-self. Michael asked if he was sad that mama was gone like the llama and Patrick nodded.
When it was bedtime Patrick picked out a book to read, "Llama Llama Misses Mama." In it a little Llama goes to preschool for the first time and misses his mama. At one point, during lunch, the little Llama starts to cry. Michael read it and when they got to the part where the little Llama is missing his mama and cries Patrick pointed at the picture and then made a sad face and pointed to him-self. Michael asked if he was sad that mama was gone like the llama and Patrick nodded.
Friday, May 3, 2013
Peanut's Killing Me
today at least.
I've been having a lot of Braxton Hicks Contractions today. Everything gets tight and makes it comfortable to walk and sit. A few have also hurt; kind of like a period cramp. My back has been killing me too. I've been very uncomfortable today. I'm hoping this is just a one day thing and that tomorrow I'll be back to normal.
I don't remember feeling this way with Patrick at all. Could just be because this time around I'm chasing Patrick and the daycare kids all day. If this keeps up, I'm hoping I don't make it to June 11. Seriously hoping this baby comes the first week in June instead of the second. Never thought I'd be ready to be done already.
I've been having a lot of Braxton Hicks Contractions today. Everything gets tight and makes it comfortable to walk and sit. A few have also hurt; kind of like a period cramp. My back has been killing me too. I've been very uncomfortable today. I'm hoping this is just a one day thing and that tomorrow I'll be back to normal.
I don't remember feeling this way with Patrick at all. Could just be because this time around I'm chasing Patrick and the daycare kids all day. If this keeps up, I'm hoping I don't make it to June 11. Seriously hoping this baby comes the first week in June instead of the second. Never thought I'd be ready to be done already.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
34 Weeks, 6 left to go!
Peanut's the size of a butternut squash!
At less than two months to go, baby weighs in at about 4.2 to 5.8 pounds and measures about 17.2 to 18.7 inches. Your curious baby is listening in to your conversations at 34 weeks -- and might enjoy a lullaby or two -- so go ahead and sing to him. Some say that baby will recognize songs mom sings while he’s in the womb, and may even be more easily soothed by them if he’s used to them once he’s on the “outside.” At week 34, you might breathe a little easier, since baby may descend lower into your pelvis and give your lungs some space. (Ahh!) Of course, some babies don’t do this until the day they’re born, so we’re not making any guarantees. The pitfall of this descent, of course, is even more pressure on your bladder, so be prepared to make even more trips to the ladies room over the coming weeks.
Had my appointment yesterday. Everything is right on track and Peanut's heart rate is usually right around 140, same as Patrick's. Been loving the weather and enjoying time out side; raking the yard and cleaning it up. So nice to have the kiddos outside to run, jump, and yell. I feel like I still have alot to do before Peanut comes; but that is probably because I've got something going on each weekend until then. This weekend my nephew is coming up and then we have a potluck after church on Sunday. Next weekend is my brother's wedding. I'll be almost 36 weeks, so it will probably be my last "long" trip away from home until Peanut comes. The next weekend is my babyshower at church and then it is Memorial Day weekend. I finally get a weekend off and then Peanut is due. Should help make the time go fast though.
At less than two months to go, baby weighs in at about 4.2 to 5.8 pounds and measures about 17.2 to 18.7 inches. Your curious baby is listening in to your conversations at 34 weeks -- and might enjoy a lullaby or two -- so go ahead and sing to him. Some say that baby will recognize songs mom sings while he’s in the womb, and may even be more easily soothed by them if he’s used to them once he’s on the “outside.” At week 34, you might breathe a little easier, since baby may descend lower into your pelvis and give your lungs some space. (Ahh!) Of course, some babies don’t do this until the day they’re born, so we’re not making any guarantees. The pitfall of this descent, of course, is even more pressure on your bladder, so be prepared to make even more trips to the ladies room over the coming weeks.
Had my appointment yesterday. Everything is right on track and Peanut's heart rate is usually right around 140, same as Patrick's. Been loving the weather and enjoying time out side; raking the yard and cleaning it up. So nice to have the kiddos outside to run, jump, and yell. I feel like I still have alot to do before Peanut comes; but that is probably because I've got something going on each weekend until then. This weekend my nephew is coming up and then we have a potluck after church on Sunday. Next weekend is my brother's wedding. I'll be almost 36 weeks, so it will probably be my last "long" trip away from home until Peanut comes. The next weekend is my babyshower at church and then it is Memorial Day weekend. I finally get a weekend off and then Peanut is due. Should help make the time go fast though.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
33 Weeks
Peanut's the size of a durian! (Isn't that the fruit that really stinks; like people have called the fire department thinking there was a gas leak?)
At week 33, baby weighs about 4.2 to 5.8 pounds and measures about 17.2 to 18.7 inches. She may even grow up to a full inch this week! She's turning into a curious kid who can keep her eyes open while awake, and she's starting to coordinate her breathing with her sucking and swallowing. Those baby bones are continuing to harden as well.
Having a hard time sleeping lately. Can't seem to get comfortable. Keeping busy is making things go fast. I think there is something every weekend for the next month which means my first weekend with nothing may be my last weekend as a mother of 1. I've got a women's breakfast, girls afternoon out, game day with my parents, Cinco de Mayo celebration, wedding, babyshower, Memorial day, and then finally a free weekend.
At week 33, baby weighs about 4.2 to 5.8 pounds and measures about 17.2 to 18.7 inches. She may even grow up to a full inch this week! She's turning into a curious kid who can keep her eyes open while awake, and she's starting to coordinate her breathing with her sucking and swallowing. Those baby bones are continuing to harden as well.
Having a hard time sleeping lately. Can't seem to get comfortable. Keeping busy is making things go fast. I think there is something every weekend for the next month which means my first weekend with nothing may be my last weekend as a mother of 1. I've got a women's breakfast, girls afternoon out, game day with my parents, Cinco de Mayo celebration, wedding, babyshower, Memorial day, and then finally a free weekend.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
32 Weeks
Peanut's the size of a squash!
At week 32, your baby weighs in at about 2.5 to 3.8 pounds and measures about 15.2 to 16.7 inches. She's likely to be in the head-down position now, getting ready for her descent -- the journey down the birth canal. And not a minute too soon, because at this point, she's probably feeling even more cramped inside Mommy. Intensity might be building in the symptoms department, as heartburn and contractions intensify
Definitely having a lot more heartburn. The heartburn always comes and goes, so there are no triggers that I can avoid. I had a baby start coming this week for daycare, Archer. He's only 2 months old, so it's been an interesting two days. Patrick has been acting out; most likely to get my attention as baby Archer has been crabby and taking up a lot of my time. The girls have also been pushing things the last two weeks. Just need some more time for everyone to adjust. Good practice for when our baby comes I guess. I've also decided I need to get a gate for the kitchen. Patrick keeps going in and pulling things down and spilling things, i.e. the sugar, flour, ect.
At week 32, your baby weighs in at about 2.5 to 3.8 pounds and measures about 15.2 to 16.7 inches. She's likely to be in the head-down position now, getting ready for her descent -- the journey down the birth canal. And not a minute too soon, because at this point, she's probably feeling even more cramped inside Mommy. Intensity might be building in the symptoms department, as heartburn and contractions intensify
Definitely having a lot more heartburn. The heartburn always comes and goes, so there are no triggers that I can avoid. I had a baby start coming this week for daycare, Archer. He's only 2 months old, so it's been an interesting two days. Patrick has been acting out; most likely to get my attention as baby Archer has been crabby and taking up a lot of my time. The girls have also been pushing things the last two weeks. Just need some more time for everyone to adjust. Good practice for when our baby comes I guess. I've also decided I need to get a gate for the kitchen. Patrick keeps going in and pulling things down and spilling things, i.e. the sugar, flour, ect.
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Potty Training
After a couple of nap times of Patrick staying dry I've decided to try potty training. Yesterday we had the first day.
I set a timer to help remind me to have Patrick try going to the potty. Worked pretty well until the evening when Patrick decided to not pee on the potty but the floor instead. Yup, he's sit on the potty and not go. Seconds after saying he was done and getting off the potty he would pee on the floor. Then he laughed and smiled about it.
Today, he's been doing well. No accidents, even when we ran errands to Target, Sears, Younkers, and Hardee's for lunch. I put him in a diaper for nap just to be safe. Hope this evening is better than last night.
Edit: I bought some "Toy Story" underwear to encourage him.
I set a timer to help remind me to have Patrick try going to the potty. Worked pretty well until the evening when Patrick decided to not pee on the potty but the floor instead. Yup, he's sit on the potty and not go. Seconds after saying he was done and getting off the potty he would pee on the floor. Then he laughed and smiled about it.
Today, he's been doing well. No accidents, even when we ran errands to Target, Sears, Younkers, and Hardee's for lunch. I put him in a diaper for nap just to be safe. Hope this evening is better than last night.
Edit: I bought some "Toy Story" underwear to encourage him.
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
31 Week Pineapple
Peanut's the size of a pineapple!
At week 31, baby's about 15.2 to 16.7 inches long and weighs about 2.5 to 3.8 pounds. She's also going through major brain, nerve and eye development. Her irises even react to light. All five of her senses are now in working order! Plus, baby's body temperature is now partially being regulated by parts of her brain. Her bones, with the exception of the skull, are hardening too.
Feeling good and can't wait to meet Peanut. Only 2 months and 2 days until our estimated due date. I'm hoping Peanut comes a few days early like Patrick did. The 7th would be nice as that is my parents anniversary. Peanut seems to be the most active at night which is fun while relaxing after Patrick goes to bed. It's been pretty easy to find Peanut lately as he's been shoving his butt (I think) near my ribs on the right side each night. Thinking I could use a massage right now though. My muscles always seem to be tight or sore. I've been getting Charley Horses in my legs at night too.
At week 31, baby's about 15.2 to 16.7 inches long and weighs about 2.5 to 3.8 pounds. She's also going through major brain, nerve and eye development. Her irises even react to light. All five of her senses are now in working order! Plus, baby's body temperature is now partially being regulated by parts of her brain. Her bones, with the exception of the skull, are hardening too.
Feeling good and can't wait to meet Peanut. Only 2 months and 2 days until our estimated due date. I'm hoping Peanut comes a few days early like Patrick did. The 7th would be nice as that is my parents anniversary. Peanut seems to be the most active at night which is fun while relaxing after Patrick goes to bed. It's been pretty easy to find Peanut lately as he's been shoving his butt (I think) near my ribs on the right side each night. Thinking I could use a massage right now though. My muscles always seem to be tight or sore. I've been getting Charley Horses in my legs at night too.
Saturday, April 6, 2013
New Job?!
Michael may be getting a new job very soon. He has an application in with a company and is on the top of the list for new hires when/if an opening come available. We found out this morning that one of the men at this company died yesterday. We are very hopeful about Michael getting into the company but it's kind of a bummer that this gentlemen had to died. Hopefully a good update with follow soon.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
30 Weeks
Peanut's the size of a cucumber!
At week 30, baby already measures about 15.2 to 16.7 inches long and weighs about 2.5 to 3.8 pounds. Her skin continues to get smoother while her brain is getting wrinklier -- to make way for all that essential brain tissue. One smart baby is forming! And while your little cucumber is not even the size of a five-pound weight, she is strong enough to grasp a finger. Just imagine her itty-bitty fingers clutching your pinky... are you melting yet?
Nursery is almost done. I just have to hang a few more pictures and move the crib back up to the higher level. Nesting has hit and I'm looking around at all these things that I want to fix, clean, or update. Right now I'm torn between painting the entryway, dinning room, and living room (or just the first two) and making the front yard look better. Painting would be easier and probably cheaper, especially if I just do the two rooms. I have the railing for the front porch but want to get some retaining wall bricks and raise the area right under the big picture window. I'd have to take out the two bushes and then plant some nice flowers or something.
At week 30, baby already measures about 15.2 to 16.7 inches long and weighs about 2.5 to 3.8 pounds. Her skin continues to get smoother while her brain is getting wrinklier -- to make way for all that essential brain tissue. One smart baby is forming! And while your little cucumber is not even the size of a five-pound weight, she is strong enough to grasp a finger. Just imagine her itty-bitty fingers clutching your pinky... are you melting yet?
Nursery is almost done. I just have to hang a few more pictures and move the crib back up to the higher level. Nesting has hit and I'm looking around at all these things that I want to fix, clean, or update. Right now I'm torn between painting the entryway, dinning room, and living room (or just the first two) and making the front yard look better. Painting would be easier and probably cheaper, especially if I just do the two rooms. I have the railing for the front porch but want to get some retaining wall bricks and raise the area right under the big picture window. I'd have to take out the two bushes and then plant some nice flowers or something.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
29 Weeks
Peanut's the size of an acorn squash!
At week 29, baby is getting plumper. Begin to prepare yourself for the absolute cuteness you'll soon experience every day! Right now, she measures about 15.2 to 16.7 inches long and weighs about 2.5 to 3.8 pounds. She still has a long way to go, and will be tripling her weight before birth! While your belly has grown bigger than you probably ever thought possible, there's still only so much it can stretch, so baby's accommodations at Hotel Bump have gotten a little tight these days. With the squirmer inside of you, you probably already realized that. And if you feel a subtle twitch, baby might actually be hiccupping!
Not much going on this week for us. Just chilling and letting baby grow. 11 weeks until Peanut comes, give or take a few days. Peanut's room was painted last night and second coat/touch ups are going up tonight after Patrick goes to bed. Wanted to hang up the curtains, mobil, canvas pictures, and baby quilt today but need to wait for the paint to dry tonight obviously. Still need to figure out which scripture to paint over the crib. I'm leaning toward Deuteronomy 31:8 "Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; he will neither fail you nor abandon you." I'll probably just start with the "For the LORD. . ." and drop the very first part. Otherwise I'm worried it will be too long.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
28 Weeks
Peanut's the size of an eggplant!
At week 28, baby is putting on layers of fat and weighs in around 1.5 to 2.5 pounds, measuring about 13.6 to 14.8 inches. Her skin has a smoother and less wrinkled appearance too. And her lungs are mature enough that she could probably breathe on her own if she were born prematurely. Plus, her eyes, which can open and close now, can sense changes to light as well. Baby can see? Well, the groundwork for vision has been laid, but baby's sight will actually continue to develop during infancy after she's born. Still, those blinking peepers are still something to get excited over!
Doing very well. Biggest news, I'm in the third trimester. Had my appointment yesterday and I'm measuring right one and Peanut's heart rate is always right around 145-150. Got my Rhogam shot as my blood type is A- and Michael's blood type is +. I double checked with my OB about my glucose test results and she said I got 105 which is easy passing. Still a little unreal to me as my chances of having it were like 50%. I've gained a whooping 4.6 lbs so far. After all the sweets I've had lately I was expecting to have gained 4 lbs just the last couple of weeks not over the whole 28 weeks. Blessed by God I guess. I'd rather keep it this way.
At week 28, baby is putting on layers of fat and weighs in around 1.5 to 2.5 pounds, measuring about 13.6 to 14.8 inches. Her skin has a smoother and less wrinkled appearance too. And her lungs are mature enough that she could probably breathe on her own if she were born prematurely. Plus, her eyes, which can open and close now, can sense changes to light as well. Baby can see? Well, the groundwork for vision has been laid, but baby's sight will actually continue to develop during infancy after she's born. Still, those blinking peepers are still something to get excited over!
Doing very well. Biggest news, I'm in the third trimester. Had my appointment yesterday and I'm measuring right one and Peanut's heart rate is always right around 145-150. Got my Rhogam shot as my blood type is A- and Michael's blood type is +. I double checked with my OB about my glucose test results and she said I got 105 which is easy passing. Still a little unreal to me as my chances of having it were like 50%. I've gained a whooping 4.6 lbs so far. After all the sweets I've had lately I was expecting to have gained 4 lbs just the last couple of weeks not over the whole 28 weeks. Blessed by God I guess. I'd rather keep it this way.
Friday, March 15, 2013
St. Patrick's Week
I love Ireland and most/anything Irish. Michael and I were planning to go to Ireland for our honeymoon but opted for some place a little warm because of the time of year we were going. We're planning to go to Ireland for our 25 anniversary God willing.
This week for daycare we are learning all about Ireland and all things Irish since St. Patrick's Day is on Sunday. We learned a little bit about the country, Shamrocks, Fairies, Leprechauns, and St. Patrick. We did a lot of painting this week and they loved it. I don't do a lot of painting normally because it can be enormously messy; ie Patrick paints everything but what he is suppose to be painting (the wall, the table, himself). Here are our projects from this week along with pictures for future use.
Paint chip Ireland
You will need:
Outline of Ireland
Green paint color samples
Print off outlines of Ireland. Cut the paint samples into different shapes. Glue the paint chips in the outline to make Ireland green.
Shamrock Cupcakes
You will need:
Frosting/decorations Cake mix
Three marbles a cupcake Cupcake wrappers
Mix cake mix like normal. Place the paper cup in the muffin tin. Place three marbles between the paper cup and the muffin tin to make a shamrock shape. Pour in batter, bake, and decorate.
Toilet Paper Leprechaun (2 day project)
You will need:
Toilet paper roll Paint: Green, orange, and flesh
Green craft foam 3 Orange and 1 black pipe cleaner
Hot glue gun and sticks
Paint a orange stripe about 1 inch around the roll about 1 inch from the top. Paint the rest of the roll green. Cut out a 2 inch circle from green foam with 3/4 inch circle cut from the middle. Also cut a 4.5 inch by .5 inch rectangle from the green foam. Curl 3 pipe cleaners around a pencil, they should be about 3-4 inches long. Paint an oval for the face in the orange hair area and two small ovals for hands in the middle of the body. Use one black pipe (I used 1/2 of one) to make feet, make two ovals. Draw a face and add the foam rectangle to make arms. Glue two curly pipe cleaners around the back in the orange hair area. Add the last curly pipe cleaner to the face to make a beard and add the circle foam to the top for the brim of the Leprechauns had. Add one black pipe cleaner to the bottom for feet.
Fairy Wings
You will need:
Cardboard Paint
Tissue paper Glitter/spangles
Glue Elastic
Trace and cut out wings from cardboard. Cut out various shapes from inside the wings. Paint the cardboard and allow to dry. Add tissue paper behind each cut out and decorate with glitter and spangles. Add elastic for arm to go through.
Pot of Gold
You will need:
Wood dowel ends "pot" Black paint
Scrape tissue paper Glue
Glitter Gold spangles
Green ribbon or paint
Tightly pack the tissue paper into the wooden "pot". Paint the pot black including the tissue paper at the top. Add glue to the entire top and add glitter. Once glitter is mostly dry add a few gold spangles to the top. Decorate the pot with a ribbon or paint a shamrock on the side of the pot.
This week for daycare we are learning all about Ireland and all things Irish since St. Patrick's Day is on Sunday. We learned a little bit about the country, Shamrocks, Fairies, Leprechauns, and St. Patrick. We did a lot of painting this week and they loved it. I don't do a lot of painting normally because it can be enormously messy; ie Patrick paints everything but what he is suppose to be painting (the wall, the table, himself). Here are our projects from this week along with pictures for future use.
You will need:
Outline of Ireland
Green paint color samples
Print off outlines of Ireland. Cut the paint samples into different shapes. Glue the paint chips in the outline to make Ireland green.
You will need:
Frosting/decorations Cake mix
Three marbles a cupcake Cupcake wrappers
Mix cake mix like normal. Place the paper cup in the muffin tin. Place three marbles between the paper cup and the muffin tin to make a shamrock shape. Pour in batter, bake, and decorate.
Toilet Paper Leprechaun (2 day project)
You will need:
Toilet paper roll Paint: Green, orange, and flesh
Green craft foam 3 Orange and 1 black pipe cleaner
Hot glue gun and sticks
Paint a orange stripe about 1 inch around the roll about 1 inch from the top. Paint the rest of the roll green. Cut out a 2 inch circle from green foam with 3/4 inch circle cut from the middle. Also cut a 4.5 inch by .5 inch rectangle from the green foam. Curl 3 pipe cleaners around a pencil, they should be about 3-4 inches long. Paint an oval for the face in the orange hair area and two small ovals for hands in the middle of the body. Use one black pipe (I used 1/2 of one) to make feet, make two ovals. Draw a face and add the foam rectangle to make arms. Glue two curly pipe cleaners around the back in the orange hair area. Add the last curly pipe cleaner to the face to make a beard and add the circle foam to the top for the brim of the Leprechauns had. Add one black pipe cleaner to the bottom for feet.
Fairy Wings
You will need:
Cardboard Paint
Tissue paper Glitter/spangles
Glue Elastic
Trace and cut out wings from cardboard. Cut out various shapes from inside the wings. Paint the cardboard and allow to dry. Add tissue paper behind each cut out and decorate with glitter and spangles. Add elastic for arm to go through.
Pot of Gold
You will need:
Wood dowel ends "pot" Black paint
Scrape tissue paper Glue
Glitter Gold spangles
Green ribbon or paint
Tightly pack the tissue paper into the wooden "pot". Paint the pot black including the tissue paper at the top. Add glue to the entire top and add glitter. Once glitter is mostly dry add a few gold spangles to the top. Decorate the pot with a ribbon or paint a shamrock on the side of the pot.
New Nursery Idea
I get to redo the nursery. I know I planed to just reuse everything from Patrick and that is why the nursery is gender neutral in color scheme and theme but I have a fun idea and Michael said I could.
I still like the beach theme but I've found these wonderful boardbooks, BabyLit, and thought they would make a great nursery. I have four of them already and three more are coming. I have Pride and Prejudice, Jane Eyre, Romeo and Juliet, and Alice in Wonderland. Sense and Sensibility, Wuthering Heights, and Moby-Dick are on their way next week.
I'd basically just put up different pictures and change the mobile. The pictures I could print off on our computer; wouldn't cost much to do. And for the mobile, I'd need to get the transfers for T-Shirts and use the white fabric I already have along with the stuffing I already have.
The bedding would be the same as it is solid colors and I'd just have to switch out the bottom of the curtains, but I already have the fabric for it. I'm just worried it might seem "girly" but I guess it will depend on the pictures I use. The redo should only cost about $20-$30.
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