You are over due by two days and it's driving your mama crazy! I know it's normal for baby's to go over due but in our "modern and advanced" world our first instinct is to make you come out as close to your estimated delivery date as possible. Mama would rather wait and let you come when you want to come. Lucky for us, mama's doctor agrees that letting you come naturally is better than forcing you out. Mama was able to push your eviction notice back for almost an entire week. While you can stay in until next week Friday, mama wants you out now. The sooner the better for everyone otherwise mama has to go take some tests to make sure you are okay in there.
Everyone can't wait to meet you and have you join our family. Mama has your room 95% ready for you, just waiting for your shelves and to put your name up. Daddy has been on baby watch for the past week at work and I know he's anxious for you to come as well. Grandma and Grandpa are going on vacation and I know they would like to meet you before they take off for almost 2 weeks.

On a side note, Mama is thinking of changing your name to Sheldon; the little chicken who wouldn't hatch because he read the newspaper and the outside world scared him. Mama and Daddy promise to take good care of you and to protect you so there's no reason to be scare and stay inside. :)
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