When we bought our house we knew there was some water leakage when it rained hard. Other than that, we thought our basement was good to go. Well, we've noticed that on the back wall there is a large crack. It runs the length of the back wall and is straight across. Michael says that the wall is starting to strain and buckle due to the pressure from outside.
We'll need to have this fixed as soon as possible. We had a basement inspector come and look at the house. It looks as though it will cost about $20,000 to fix. This was just one estimate and I think we'll have to get a few more. We obviously don't have that kind of money saved up. Our credit card debt is much larger than I want/like it to be as we had some unexpected expenses this year; water heater and dishwasher both needed to be replaced.
Being a stay-at-home-mom, we have to live one income. I do bring in a little extra money watching the twins but we basically have to live off the one. With a new baby coming, we are trying to save money to pay for these doctor bills as well. This has made us tighten our belts and is harder to squirrel away much in savings. Michael's job does provide for over time but it isn't always available due to the production demands. Michael has been looking into a possible apprenticeship with his work to become an electrician. While this would be best for the family in the long run, initially his income would possibly drop due to the work schedule. He could still possibly work overtime when he signs up for it.
I've talked about a few options but are not sure the right way to go. I really don't want to get a loan from the bank as we already have a lot of debt and are trying to pay down the credit cards. I don't want to get a home equity loan as again, we already have a lot of debt. I'm mostly worried about having a set amount due each month; just incase we are extra tight one month for some reason and don't have the full amount. Not sure if we have much of an option right now though. We'll have to sit down, look at our budget, and see where else we can make cuts.