Sunday, June 23, 2013

First Week

Colin's first week has gone by quickly.  He is doing well and everyone seems to be adjusting well.  Patrick doesn't seem to notice Colin unless I'm feeding him or he is crying.  Colin has been doing well with nursing and has a good sleep schedule going on.  He's been going down for the night around 10:30 and wakes up somewhere around 7:30.  He usually wakes up only once to eat and goes right back to sleep.  He sleeps pretty soundly and quietly.  I've had to check on him a couple times to make sure that he is still breathing he is so quiet.

We went and had his newborn pictures taken today.  We got some good family photos and sibling photos taken.  He didn't want to cooperate for his individual pictures, so we are going back tomorrow for those.  I can't wait to see all the pictures once they are all done.

This week will be pretty quiet around the house.  Patrick has gone to the cottage with grandma and grandpa until Wednesday afternoon.  I hope to get a few things done around the house.  Next week, for the 4th of July, we are all going to the cottage.  I was thinking about going with this week but with Colin still getting onto a schedule I thought it would be best to wait.  I don't want to possibly throw him off.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Do They Look Alike?

Pictures of Colin and Patrick, both about a day old.  Can you tell they are brothers?

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Colin Robert

Introducing Colin Robert

Colin Robert was born on June 15, 2013 around 11:15 pm.  He weighed 7 lbs and 15 oz and is 20 inches long.  Lost of dark hair and brown eyes.  All natural labor, no drugs for pain or to keep things moving along.  Pictures will follow.

I was awaken around 5 am with contractions.  They continued all day with no real pattern or consistency to how long they were.  Only a little painful but not bad.  I ran some errands and even stopped by a baby shower for a friend that afternoon.  Watched a couple movies and did a some laundry.

My contractions started to become regular and consistent around 5 pm; about 1 minute long every 10 minutes of so.  Michael and I watched a movie while I continued to time my contractions.  We were told not to come to the hospital until the contractions 5 minutes apart, 1 minute long for 1 hour.  About 30 minutes before the movie ended we reached this criteria.  We finished the movie and headed to the hospital.  It was about 9 pm at this time.

Just getting up and moving made my contractions increase quickly.  We got to the hospital, checked in, and up to labor and delivery by 9:30.  They hooked me up and started some of the initial registration questions.  They checked me and I was at 6 almost 7 cm and 100% effaced by about 10 pm.  By the time they got my IV in for my antibodies I was already 8-9 cms.  Not time for drugs for me, which was fine since I didn’t want any.  I started pushing around 11 pm.  Two contractions and 6 pushes later, Colin Robert came into the world.  He had the normal newborn mewing cry instead of the high-pitched scream that Patrick had; I’m very grateful for that.  No tears and everything went great; much faster and easier than with Patrick.

Colin has had a little trouble keeping his temp up so he spend most of the night in the nursery.  He didn’t like his bath but loved having his hair combed.  He also holds his breath when he cries.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Dear Peanut,

You are over due by two days and it's driving your mama crazy!  I know it's normal for baby's to go over due but in our "modern and advanced" world our first instinct is to make you come out as close to your estimated delivery date as possible.  Mama would rather wait and let you come when you want to come.  Lucky for us, mama's doctor agrees that letting you come naturally is better than forcing you out.  Mama was able to push your eviction notice back for almost an entire week.  While you can stay in until next week Friday, mama wants you out now.  The sooner the better for everyone otherwise mama has to go take some tests to make sure you are okay in there.

Everyone can't wait to meet you and have you join our family.  Mama has your room 95% ready for you, just waiting for your shelves and to put your name up.  Daddy has been on baby watch for the past week at work and I know he's anxious for you to come as well.   Grandma and Grandpa are going on vacation and I know they would like to meet you before they take off for almost 2 weeks.

On a side note, Mama is thinking of changing your name to Sheldon; the little chicken who wouldn't hatch because he read the newspaper and the outside world scared him.  Mama and Daddy promise to take good care of you and to protect you so there's no reason to be scare and stay inside. :)

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

40 Weeks, You Can Come Out Now Peanut

WHOOP, WHOOP Today is our estimated date of delivery!

Peanut's the size of a jackfruit

In month nine, the average fetus is about 6.2 to 9.2 pounds and measures about 18.9 to 20.9 inches (wow!). But you really won't know exactly how big your baby is until his birth. Baby's hair and nails continue to grow, and she's keeping up that lung development too.

I'm ready to be done as today is Peanut's due date.  I feel like I'm overdue as Patrick was born a few days early.  I was suppose to have a dr appointment yesterday but had to reschedule for Thursday afternoon instead.  Been having a few random contractions but nothing serious or timeable.  Back pain is still coming round when I do have contractions.  TMI warning; I've also had an increase in mucus discharge as well.  All signs that labor is coming soon but nothing really going on.  The twins that I watch are not coming any more as brother is out of school and all three are being watched by the same summer babysitter.  Baby Archer is still coming and will until Peanut comes.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

What to Do During Nap

 My child will never cease to amaze me.  The things he will do to avoid a nap.

I put him down for his nap today and left him with Michael while I ran an errand and got my hair trimmed before Peanut comes.  As I'm leaving I see Patrick is looking out his open window at the neighbor kids.  My first thought is "I should go back and close the windows so Patrick doesn't spend his entire "nap" yelling out the window.  I keep going.

Fast forward about 1.5 hours.  I'm pulling up to the house and look up at Patrick's room.

His curtain is flapping in the wind outside the house.  He took the screen out; not pushed or ripped out but took it out.  There are two little levers that you can lift up and the screen will pop out intacted and undamaged.   This is what Patrick did.  Then I see this . . .

All his bedding and the books from the book shelf.  At least he didn't rip up the books first.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Come on Peanut

Waiting is not a strong point for me.  I'm ready for baby to come but so far, still waiting.  Poor Michael isn't much better, especially since he is at work.  He keep checking his e-mail to see if I've gone into labor.  The twins I have for daycare had their last day yesterday.  The baby will keep coming until I go into labor.  I've been given the go ahead to have Peanut anytime now from everyone except Uncle Paul; the choir director.  The choir is singing on Sunday and he wants me there for that.

Things are getting closer though.  I've been having more discharge today already and my lower back was hurting a lot last night.  Both are signs that labor MAY be starting soon.  I was also having fairly regular weak contractions all last night as well.  They were not my normal Braxton Hicks but not stronger like real contractions.  Going to Walleye Weekend to do some walking around and hoping to start real labor.

Any guesses as to when Peanut will join us??

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

39 Weeks; Any Day Now

Peanut's the size of a watermelon!

Baby keeps growing, despite being so crowded in there. He probably weighs around 6.2 to 9.2 pounds and measures about 18.9 to 20.9 inches.  Are we there yet? You’re probably feeling like you want to get this baby the heck out of you. We’re not sure, but the impatience and discomfort many moms feel around 39 weeks (and beyond!) might be nature’s way of getting you mentally prepared for delivery. Remember how freaked out you used to be about it? Now, at week 39 you probably don’t care what you have to do, you just don’t want to be pregnant anymore!  He's probably able to flex his limbs now.  His brain is still rapidly developing -- he's getting smarter by the week!   His nails may extend past his fingertips.

Hoping this is the last week of being pregnant.  Patrick was born at 39 weeks and 4 days, so I'm hoping  Peanut decides to do the same.  That would mean Peanut would be here by this weekend.