Saturday, September 17, 2011

8 months old

It's hard to believe but Patrick is 8 months old today. He is quite the handful already. He is crawling everywhere and quickly gets under foot. I've stepped on him quite a few times already. Luckily it was never very hard. Patrick is a very happy baby for the most part. It takes him a while to fully wake up and will be a little cranky then, but that is usually it.

He has already learned how to climb up on things including the door of the dishwasher when I'm putting the dishes away from the top rack. I've had to rewash a lot of silverware that Patrick has taken to pulling out and then tasting. Not one will my child be walking by 10 months, but I'll have to be pulling him down from the counter tops, desks, couches, tables, and anything else he can climb on.

He still has no teeth, which I guess is a good thing since he still nurses 3-4 times a day. He loves to feed him-self and will eat anything you put in front of him. Sometimes we have a battle over the spoon of baby food. He wants to feed him-self with it but he hasn't mastered that skill yet and it ends up everywhere but in his mouth. Patrick does very well pinching the food between his finger and thumb to self-feed. He will eat anything I put on this tray, which I am grateful for. He's not a picky eater. The only thing I don't give him is applesauce. He rubs his nose and eyes and will get red cheeks if I give it to him. I don't think he is allergic, just sensitive. I plan to try again in a few months.

We have been using cloth diapers for a while now and Patrick doesn't seem to have notice the change over. He has discovered his boy parts recently; this makes changing him interesting sometimes. I'm quickly learning to check and see if he is just wet or dirty before I take the diaper off. He's gotten a little bit of a diaper rash since changing but once I started to change him every 2-3 hours instead of 3-4 hours he's not gotten another rash. He looks so cute in his diapers. I can't resist a little fashion show. :)

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