Monday, October 17, 2011

I'm 9 Months Old Today!

Mama decided I should do my own monthly update this time. Today I'm 9 months; that means I've been outside as long as I was inside. I like outside much better, there is so much more to do. I have a lot to do now that I've been practicing standing all by myself with out any help. Sometimes I will stand by the couch and put my hands up in the air. I only touch the couch if I have too. Yesterday I even tried to move my foot, I fell over once but then I took a step. It was very little, but I took a step. I'll have to practice this more so I can walk like Mama and Daddy do.

My favorite thing to do stand and walk around the furniture. I'm getting very good at this and can move around very fast. If I really want to go fast I crawl still. I especially like to walk holding on to my car/walker. Then I can go just about anywhere, except the bathroom. Mama keeps the door closed so I can't play in the toilet water anymore now that I know how to open the lid. I do get to play in the kitchen though. I like to pull the lids out of the drawer as well as the cookie sheets.

Every morning I have a friend who comes to my house to play with me. His name is Phoenix and we like to play with my Little People animals, the balls, and cars. Sometimes we will wrestle on the floor; I always seem to be on the bottom. We also get to go in the back yard to play and feed the ducks. They won't be there much longer. Phoenix stays until lunch time and then he goes home.

Speaking of lunch, I eat all by my-self now. Mama still tries to give me the baby food, but I don't usually open my mouth for that. Sometimes for yogurt I'll open my mouth. I want to eat what Mama and Daddy are eating and if I don't get to I fuss and bang on my tray. My favorite food is chicken. I also like carrots, sweet potatoes, and bananas. Mama gives me frozen peaches, plums, and apples that she baked just for me. I like them frozen because they are cold and feel good in my mouth. I have a tooth coming in now on the bottom.

1 comment:

Janene said...

Very good writing Patrick! ;) It sounds like you have a very good life, full of love. I especially liked the picture of you standing by the couch with your arms up in the air. It looks like you're cheering for yourself or saying, "Look, Mom! No hands!"

Say hi to your Mom and Dad from me, okay? Thanks!