Tuesday, January 17, 2012

One Year Old

How in the world did that happen? It's hard to believe that Patrick is one year already. He's grown so much and is fun to watch play and interact with. He is definitely my little athlete. He sat on his own at 5 months, crawled at 6 months, and was walking by 9.5 months. At 11 months he started climbing on chairs and has since learned to climb on anything he can reach and get a hand hold on. He's even figured out how to use other objects to boost himself up. He never seems to to cease amazing us.

He as recently taken to stomping his feet as he is walking around. Another favorite and new thing is to put a toy in his mouth and then hum behind it. Yet another amazing feat, he has learned to open doors as well as how to climb on the baby gate. Pretty soon, he'll figure out how to get over the gate. I'm running out of ideas of how to keep him out of the bathroom and our room. Looks like we will have to buy two more baby gates and hope he doesn't climb over them.

He's been having a hard time lately with napping. He is refusing to nap in the mornings. After lunch he takes a nap but only about 1.5 hours. Then he's waking up in the middle of the night. Not sure if the two are related, but I think they might be. My other guess is he's going through a growth spurt.

It's been a fast year, and I'm sure all the other's will go just as fast.
Helping Daddy clean the carpets.


Ron Bohlman said...

Give that little guy a big hug from G & G Bohlman on his birthday (or the day after)!

Rachel said...

The doorknob plastic lock things are great - do you have them yet?? If he can already open those, then I'm stumped!