Summer is here and we have been spending a lot of time outside. I've been on the search for outside toys for Patrick. Right now I've been able to find a ladybug sandbox and a little tykes car. He loves the car since it has a steering wheel he can turn and a horn to beep.

He is constantly wandering into the neighbors yard. I'm working on teaching him the limits of our yard but I'm still dragging him back to our yard multiple times. I want to find a climbing toy for him. It will give him a little more to do in our yard. I don't want a regular swing set as he is too little for one right now. I would love one like this:

There is a slide on the other side. But I'll settle for anything else. I guess it's time to hit the garage sales. I'd also love to get a playhouse for the back corner of the yard. I don't want one of those little plastic houses, but one made from wood. Think more like a small shed with little windows and a little door.
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