Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Families are wonderful things.  They are the people who (should) love us and support us not matter what happens.  Families rejoice when good things happen, cry with you when bad things happen, and pray with you and help you when you are struggling.  They are the people who should be with you until the end.  They know your good side and your bad side.  I know not all family’s are like this, but they should be.

We want what is best for all our family members.  Even if it means you or they have to do something difficult.  The hardest things we have to face as a family are often the things that are difficult and hurt us the most.  While these choices must be made for the better, it often doesn’t feel that way when you make them.  You are often left wondering if you did the right thing and the guilt that goes along with it.

One of our family members is in this situation right now.  While I hope and pray for the best situation, I know that sometimes the best situation isn’t the ideal situation.  No matter the outcome and the decision that is being made, the family will be there to help and encourage no matter what.

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