Only two weeks left of my maternity leave. I go back to work on Monday April 18th. While I'm looking forward to going back and seeing my students and co-workers, I'm also dreading it. I'm not too thrilled about having to leave Patrick for most of the day, but at least he is going to a friends house and it will only before 2 months. I'm going over to her house this week to start getting Patrick introduced to the idea of my leaving him. I'd much rather stay at home with him, but we can't afford it right now.
I'm also thinking of giving Patrick a bottle once a day this week and one or two a day next to help with the transition. He's taken a bottle a couple of times before, so I don't think it will be a problem. It will be more work for me since I'll have to pump and then feed him. I'm also a little concerned about being able to pump while at work. I don't have any prep time right now and in the afternoon, I have back to back classes. Most other teachers have two preps. I'm going to need to pump at least twice during the day (midmorning/early afternoon) and then either right after school or nurse Patrick as soon as I get home. I'm going in on Wednesday to pick up letters of reference and will have to talk with my principal about it while I'm there. I think I have a plan of when to pump that will not cause too much trouble.
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