Friday, April 15, 2011

Five Question Friday

1. What is your favorite sign of spring?
Robins. Once I see a robin it is officially spring.

2. What was your best birthday ever?
I would have to go with this year. I turned 30 (oh, my!) and I got to spend my day snuggling with my newborn son. What more could you want on a cold snowy January day. Here he is at just a few days old, close to my birthday.

3. What is your favorite dessert?
Anything with chocolate and . . . peanut butter or carmel.

4. What is the best excuse you've ever used to get out of a ticket?
This is terrible but "I wasn't paying attention". I've only been pulled over a four times and I have used the same excuse. I've always known why I was pulled over, speeding. I tend to have a lead foot when I'm signing along to music.

5. Do you wake up before your alarm, with your alarm, or after hitting snooze several times?
I use to wake up after hitting snooze several times, but now it's to the cry of my 3 month old and then again to the alarm at 6. I'm hoping he will soon be sleeping through the night so I'll wake up to only the alarm. Although, Patrick is very good at waking me up around 4 every morning; he only needs to sleep another 2 hours at night. One more picture of Patrick.

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