Wednesday, August 17, 2011

7 Months

Patrick is 7 months old now. Time is going fast and Patrick is learning so much. He can now crawl on his hands and knees and is pulling up on everything. This has resulted in numerous falls. No injuries yet, but that is only a matter of time. He will "walk" if you hold his hands and lean him forward slightly. Michael likes to do this with him.

We started solids after Patrick's 6 month appointment. He does pretty well with them. So far he seems to like sweet potatoes, carrots, and yogurt. The hardest thing is getting him to open his mouth. I've tried putting the spoon on his bottom lip hoping he will open but he will clamp down instead. The only thing that seems to work is giving him something, like a lid or spoon, to hold and chew on. When he opens his mouth to put the spoon or lid in I have to quickly put his food in. He likes to feed him-self and is constantly grabbing at his spoon.

Overall, Patrick is doing great and seems to be ahead on his motor development. I just hope he slows down a little; I don't want a walker by 10 months. I've baby proofed a few things, but still have a ways to go. Things are going well and I have one little boy coming next week to check us out for daycare. If next week goes well, he will come in the mornings. I still would like to take in one more, preferably full time. Keep that in your prayers. I've moved things around a little in Patrick's room to make a play area besides the living room. Now I just need some older toys. I'm thinking I'll have to hit Goodwill or Salvation Army.

1 comment:

theresa said...

the "tot lok" is the best cabinet door locking device ever. Especially if you have a child that thinks locks are a fun challenge. make sure to get 2 magnet keys right away as one will eventually end up inside the locked cabinet.

For used toys that are grown out of quickly do I've boughten and then resold them when they are grown out of. Just as good as renting but I usually come out where I didn't have to pay any extra in the end.