Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Fast (Spiritual) Food
Michael and I were in Milwaukee on Saturday the 20th for Irishfest. It's become a tradition to go each year. On the drive there we went though a section of Milwaukee were a group of people where holding signs. These signs said "Drive Through Prayer". The address was written in smaller letters beneath. We got a laugh out of it. In our world of hustle and bustle even our prayers now come at fast food pace. Get in line, give your "order" at the window, receive your "purchase" and drive away. We all know that a lot of fast food is not good for us and can lead to obesity and other health issues. So my question to Michael became "Can drive through prayer" do the same thing to our spiritual health. Quick prayers and little else leaves us feeling good about what we did but produces a meager, sick, and weak spiritual life. What ever happened to "wait upon the Lord" (Isaiah 40:31). Can't we even find more than just a few minutes to spend seeking God in prayer? Pray consists of not just my requests, but also listening to God. This requires me to take time, become still, and listen. While I appreciate that there is someplace to go if you need prayer quickly, I hope this doesn't become the staple of our spirit diet in America.
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