Monday, October 31, 2011
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Night Out
Michael and I finally got a night out just the two of us. Ever since Patrick was born anytime we went out Patrick has always come with us. Michael and I were both very excited to get out of the house and hang around with other adults while Patrick was at home with a sitter. My friends daughter, Liz, came over and took care of Patrick for us.
The party was a costume party, so Michael and I dressed up as a couple. Michael was the Greek god Apollo and I was the nymph Daphne. Short story about who we were incase you don't remember your Greek Mythology. Apollo insulted Cupid(Eros) so for revenge, Cupid shot Apollo with an arrow to make him fall in love with the wood nymph Daphne. Daphne was shot with a lead arrow making her unable to return any love. Apollo would chase Daphne trying to catcher and maker her his wife. Daphne turned into a tree to avoid Apollo.
The party was a lot of fun. There were all kinds of dips and drinks. Our friend Hannah is due in February and she and her husband came as a nun and a priest. Our hosts dressed as a bubble bath and an old couple. Seeing everyones costumes as fun and interesting. We talked and then played games. Men vs Women of course. Each team one won game. We didn't get home until 1 am. I'll add more pictures as I get them.
The party was a costume party, so Michael and I dressed up as a couple. Michael was the Greek god Apollo and I was the nymph Daphne. Short story about who we were incase you don't remember your Greek Mythology. Apollo insulted Cupid(Eros) so for revenge, Cupid shot Apollo with an arrow to make him fall in love with the wood nymph Daphne. Daphne was shot with a lead arrow making her unable to return any love. Apollo would chase Daphne trying to catcher and maker her his wife. Daphne turned into a tree to avoid Apollo.
The party was a lot of fun. There were all kinds of dips and drinks. Our friend Hannah is due in February and she and her husband came as a nun and a priest. Our hosts dressed as a bubble bath and an old couple. Seeing everyones costumes as fun and interesting. We talked and then played games. Men vs Women of course. Each team one won game. We didn't get home until 1 am. I'll add more pictures as I get them.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Five Question Friday
1. Do you prefer cotton, silk, or flannel sheets?
Cotton all the way. Silk is too slippery :) and flannels make me too hot.
2. What time zone are you in?
3. What is your favorite part of the holiday season?
All the songs and decorations. I love listening to Christmas music and the fact that there are radio stations that only play it during this time of year.
4. What is your favorite "wintry" drink? (It doesn't have to be an "alcoholic" drink!)
Hot Chocolate, but you have to get the kind they make in Macedonia. It's like drinking a melted chocolate bar.
5. In your opinion, what is the worst job in the world?
I'd have to go with the crab fisher men on Deadliest Catch. Freezing cold, very long hours, terrible food, and being stuck is small spaces. I think I would go crazy.
Cotton all the way. Silk is too slippery :) and flannels make me too hot.
2. What time zone are you in?
3. What is your favorite part of the holiday season?
All the songs and decorations. I love listening to Christmas music and the fact that there are radio stations that only play it during this time of year.
4. What is your favorite "wintry" drink? (It doesn't have to be an "alcoholic" drink!)
Hot Chocolate, but you have to get the kind they make in Macedonia. It's like drinking a melted chocolate bar.
5. In your opinion, what is the worst job in the world?
I'd have to go with the crab fisher men on Deadliest Catch. Freezing cold, very long hours, terrible food, and being stuck is small spaces. I think I would go crazy.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
To Halloween or Not to Halloween
I'm stuck in a conundrum; should we take Patrick trick-or-tricking or not? Growing up I didn't go tricking-or-tricking but my church had a "Harvest Party" were we dressed up as Bible characters. Michael had the same experience as a child. That said, it would be no lost to us if we didn't do Halloween with our kid(s). I don't have objections to the basic dressing up or getting candy. I plan to have dress up clothes for Patrick to play with as he grows (after Halloween sales are great for this). It's the origins of the holiday and all the scary, grotesque things about Halloween I'm not to keen on. Christians are suppose to be different from the world we live in.
Do I really need to subject my child to other children dressed as murders, zombies, and the like. Good Morning America had a section on children's Halloween costumes being to sexy or to scary for children they are marketed to. Here's a link to the video section they did this morning.
I know some people do not believe that Christian should trick-or-treat. Others see no problem with it. I've heard arguments both ways. "Halloween is a pagan celebration of the death and all things evil. Jack-o-lanterns come from people trying to avoid becoming a human sacrifice of the Druids." The other side: "It's just a fun holiday to dress up and get candy. Nobody believes/remembers the pagan rituals anymore, so Halloween isn't a pagan celebration now any more than Christmas is a pagan holiday."
If we were to avoid any holiday based on or associated with a pagan holiday or tradition there would be many missing traditions and one very important holiday. Christmas is on December 25th because the church decided to take over the pagan winter solstice celebration. I don't think we will do anything this years since Patrick is too little to walk around or eat any candy he would get. But I'm wondering about next year. Would I feel okay with celebrating Halloween; should we just stick with a church party; or should we do nothing at all? I'm not sure but at least I have time to think about it.
Do I really need to subject my child to other children dressed as murders, zombies, and the like. Good Morning America had a section on children's Halloween costumes being to sexy or to scary for children they are marketed to. Here's a link to the video section they did this morning.
I know some people do not believe that Christian should trick-or-treat. Others see no problem with it. I've heard arguments both ways. "Halloween is a pagan celebration of the death and all things evil. Jack-o-lanterns come from people trying to avoid becoming a human sacrifice of the Druids." The other side: "It's just a fun holiday to dress up and get candy. Nobody believes/remembers the pagan rituals anymore, so Halloween isn't a pagan celebration now any more than Christmas is a pagan holiday."
If we were to avoid any holiday based on or associated with a pagan holiday or tradition there would be many missing traditions and one very important holiday. Christmas is on December 25th because the church decided to take over the pagan winter solstice celebration. I don't think we will do anything this years since Patrick is too little to walk around or eat any candy he would get. But I'm wondering about next year. Would I feel okay with celebrating Halloween; should we just stick with a church party; or should we do nothing at all? I'm not sure but at least I have time to think about it.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Toddler at 9 Months?
We have a toddler now. Patrick had been consistently taking 4 or 5 steps every time he tries to walk. Patrick has yet to stand up from the middle of the floor. He always needs to stand up holding on to something and then he will turn and "walk". He's just over 9 months and shows no fear of anything. I'm trying to get a video of him walking, but he sits down and crawls to me when ever I get out the camera. Hopefully soon I'll be able to get a video posted.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Five Question Friday
1. Where do you escape to when you've had enough?
I use to escape to my room with a book. Now, there is no escape. With Michael working nights and sleeping all day, the only escape I get is nap time. During this time I usually relax on the couch or do house work. The closest escape I get now is going to my in-laws, my parents, or Rachel's house.
2. What shows are you watching this fall?
Mondays: Cake Boss
Tuesdays: NCIS
Wednesdays: Psych
Thursdays: Big Bang Theory
3. What was the longest roadtrip you've ever taken and where did you go?
I flew to Montana and then drove to Oregon and Washington with my friend Janene. I loved it and had a great time with Janene. We went to an international kite festival, Multnomah Falls, and I "swam" in the Pacific Ocean. It was actually more of a dip since the water temperature was only about 50 degrees.
4. Do you plan on taking your kids to Disney World?
I'd rather take them to see other things that teach them about the world around them. I want to take them to Yellowstone National Park and the Badlands in South Dakota.
5. What is something people would surprised to know about you?
When considering a career field I thought about being an archaeologist and a flight attendant.
I use to escape to my room with a book. Now, there is no escape. With Michael working nights and sleeping all day, the only escape I get is nap time. During this time I usually relax on the couch or do house work. The closest escape I get now is going to my in-laws, my parents, or Rachel's house.
2. What shows are you watching this fall?
Mondays: Cake Boss
Tuesdays: NCIS
Wednesdays: Psych
Thursdays: Big Bang Theory
3. What was the longest roadtrip you've ever taken and where did you go?
I flew to Montana and then drove to Oregon and Washington with my friend Janene. I loved it and had a great time with Janene. We went to an international kite festival, Multnomah Falls, and I "swam" in the Pacific Ocean. It was actually more of a dip since the water temperature was only about 50 degrees.
4. Do you plan on taking your kids to Disney World?
I'd rather take them to see other things that teach them about the world around them. I want to take them to Yellowstone National Park and the Badlands in South Dakota.
5. What is something people would surprised to know about you?
When considering a career field I thought about being an archaeologist and a flight attendant.
Monday, October 17, 2011
I'm 9 Months Old Today!
Mama decided I should do my own monthly update this time. Today I'm 9 months; that means I've been outside as long as I was inside. I like outside much better, there is so much more to do. I have a lot to do now that I've been practicing standing all by myself with out any help. Sometimes I will stand by the couch and put my hands up in the air. I only touch the couch if I have too. Yesterday I even tried to move my foot, I fell over once but then I took a step. It was very little, but I took a step. I'll have to practice this more so I can walk like Mama and Daddy do.
My favorite thing to do stand and walk around the furniture. I'm getting very good at this and can move around very fast. If I really want to go fast I crawl still. I especially like to walk holding on to my car/walker. Then I can go just about anywhere, except the bathroom. Mama keeps the door closed so I can't play in the toilet water anymore now that I know how to open the lid. I do get to play in the kitchen though. I like to pull the lids out of the drawer as well as the cookie sheets.
Every morning I have a friend who comes to my house to play with me. His name is Phoenix and we like to play with my Little People animals, the balls, and cars. Sometimes we will wrestle on the floor; I always seem to be on the bottom. We also get to go in the back yard to play and feed the ducks. They won't be there much longer. Phoenix stays until lunch time and then he goes home.
Speaking of lunch, I eat all by my-self now. Mama still tries to give me the baby food, but I don't usually open my mouth for that. Sometimes for yogurt I'll open my mouth. I want to eat what Mama and Daddy are eating and if I don't get to I fuss and bang on my tray. My favorite food is chicken. I also like carrots, sweet potatoes, and bananas. Mama gives me frozen peaches, plums, and apples that she baked just for me. I like them frozen because they are cold and feel good in my mouth. I have a tooth coming in now on the bottom.
My favorite thing to do stand and walk around the furniture. I'm getting very good at this and can move around very fast. If I really want to go fast I crawl still. I especially like to walk holding on to my car/walker. Then I can go just about anywhere, except the bathroom. Mama keeps the door closed so I can't play in the toilet water anymore now that I know how to open the lid. I do get to play in the kitchen though. I like to pull the lids out of the drawer as well as the cookie sheets.
Every morning I have a friend who comes to my house to play with me. His name is Phoenix and we like to play with my Little People animals, the balls, and cars. Sometimes we will wrestle on the floor; I always seem to be on the bottom. We also get to go in the back yard to play and feed the ducks. They won't be there much longer. Phoenix stays until lunch time and then he goes home.
Speaking of lunch, I eat all by my-self now. Mama still tries to give me the baby food, but I don't usually open my mouth for that. Sometimes for yogurt I'll open my mouth. I want to eat what Mama and Daddy are eating and if I don't get to I fuss and bang on my tray. My favorite food is chicken. I also like carrots, sweet potatoes, and bananas. Mama gives me frozen peaches, plums, and apples that she baked just for me. I like them frozen because they are cold and feel good in my mouth. I have a tooth coming in now on the bottom.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Five Question Friday
1. Do you prefer your ice cream in a bowl or in a cone?
Bowl, then I can drink the melted ice cream at the end. I prefer the bowls made from a waffle cone. Then I can eat the bowl as well.
2. What three things do you love the smell of?
Fresh Bread
Christmas; cookies, cinnamon, vanilla, and pine trees
3. Giftcards or no? (In regards to gift giving...)
I do giftcards at times, especially when I'm not sure what to get the person and know they need/would like something more expensive than I can afford. They can then use the giftcard to help pay for what ever it is.
4. What sports did you play in high school if any and do you still play them?
I was a cheerleader and I still cheer for my favorite teams. Of course, I know longer wear the cute little uniform. Now it is usually jeans and a t-shirt or sweater.
5. Were you in band in high school? What instrument did you play?
Not in band, but I was in choir. I think it would be fun to join a choir again, but I'm not sure if there is one nearby.
Bowl, then I can drink the melted ice cream at the end. I prefer the bowls made from a waffle cone. Then I can eat the bowl as well.
2. What three things do you love the smell of?
Fresh Bread
Christmas; cookies, cinnamon, vanilla, and pine trees
3. Giftcards or no? (In regards to gift giving...)
I do giftcards at times, especially when I'm not sure what to get the person and know they need/would like something more expensive than I can afford. They can then use the giftcard to help pay for what ever it is.
4. What sports did you play in high school if any and do you still play them?
I was a cheerleader and I still cheer for my favorite teams. Of course, I know longer wear the cute little uniform. Now it is usually jeans and a t-shirt or sweater.
5. Were you in band in high school? What instrument did you play?
Not in band, but I was in choir. I think it would be fun to join a choir again, but I'm not sure if there is one nearby.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Monday, October 10, 2011
Struggling a Little
Having a little bit of a down day today. After not being able to find a teaching position this fall I've become a stay at home mom. To help bring in money, I've been asking around to find a few children to watch. I was able to find one little boy to watch part time. I'm still in need of at least one more full time child. I talked with a woman on Saturday about watching her little girl. Everything seemed to go well. She asked if I would be able to start on Monday is she chose me and said she would let me know later that day. It's Monday and I haven't heard back from her. I'm assuming this means she chose someone else. This has got me wondering why she didn't chose me. I'm also wondering what I could have done better. Anyway, this has gotten me a little down. First I can find a teaching job and now I'm having trouble finding additional children to watch. God always provides, just never in my timing. That's probably why I've given up on my timing. Well most of the time.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
I love fall. All the colors and cooler weather; well we are suppose to have cooler weather. I took Patrick to the park yesterday for some sunshine and clean air. Swan Park is only 5 blocks away and has a really nice pavilion, band stand, and ponds with stone bridges and walls. The ponds are full of ducks, especially right now. We took some seeds to feed the ducks and then I let him play in the leaves for a while. Then we went to the toddler play area and Patrick tried the swing. I'm not sure if he liked it or not.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Five Question Friday
1. What is your go to comfort food or sweet?
I'm a secret Carboholic, so my comfort food has to some sort of carb. Nothing bests pastas and garlic breads. Warm bread is also a great choice.
2. What is the most romantic place you've ever been to?
Two part answer. With my husband, I'd have to go with Rome. We had the most wonderful walks around town discovering different places and getting lost. All the fountains were amazing and there were statues around every corner.
Without Michael, I'd have to go with Paris with my mom and sister. The food was wonderful. So many things to see and discover. I loved the walkway by the Seine. I could just see me there with Michael holding hands, strolling, and eating bread and cheese.
3. What is your favorite thing about fall/Halloween?
Absolutely, positively, all the colors that start to show up in October I love looking out my window and seeing all the trees turning red, yellow, and orange. I would love to take a trip to Vermont this time of year and see their famous fall colors.
4. How would you spend 24 hours alone?
Let's plan this out; first, I would sleep in to 8, take a long bath until 9ish and get dressed in something I haven't worn in a while. Then I would go out for brunch around 10. Then I think I would like to spend a few hours at a museum. After the museum, I think a message, pedicure, and manicure would be in order. Finally, a late dinner with appetizer and desert and then to bed.
5. Does you husband bring you flowers? Are you the bring-me-flowers type of girl?
Nope and nope. I'd rather he do the dishes then bring me the flowers. I like to have flowers in the house but we can't afford them right now. My favorite flowers are the Lily and Lilacs. The one is rather expensive and the other I've never seen for sale.
I'm a secret Carboholic, so my comfort food has to some sort of carb. Nothing bests pastas and garlic breads. Warm bread is also a great choice.
2. What is the most romantic place you've ever been to?
Two part answer. With my husband, I'd have to go with Rome. We had the most wonderful walks around town discovering different places and getting lost. All the fountains were amazing and there were statues around every corner.
Without Michael, I'd have to go with Paris with my mom and sister. The food was wonderful. So many things to see and discover. I loved the walkway by the Seine. I could just see me there with Michael holding hands, strolling, and eating bread and cheese.
3. What is your favorite thing about fall/Halloween?
Absolutely, positively, all the colors that start to show up in October I love looking out my window and seeing all the trees turning red, yellow, and orange. I would love to take a trip to Vermont this time of year and see their famous fall colors.
4. How would you spend 24 hours alone?
Let's plan this out; first, I would sleep in to 8, take a long bath until 9ish and get dressed in something I haven't worn in a while. Then I would go out for brunch around 10. Then I think I would like to spend a few hours at a museum. After the museum, I think a message, pedicure, and manicure would be in order. Finally, a late dinner with appetizer and desert and then to bed.
5. Does you husband bring you flowers? Are you the bring-me-flowers type of girl?
Nope and nope. I'd rather he do the dishes then bring me the flowers. I like to have flowers in the house but we can't afford them right now. My favorite flowers are the Lily and Lilacs. The one is rather expensive and the other I've never seen for sale.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Monday, October 3, 2011
Family Tradition Update
I've finished my nephew's quilt. It's a tradition to make a quilt for each new baby (see previous post) and I finished Jonathan's quilt today. I even washed it and have it boxed and ready to give to him. Here's a picture of the final project.
Top row: Grandma Darla Cooking, Jonathan's cat Nermal, Grandpa Bob in his Frontier Camping stuff
Second row: Mama Loves animals, Jonathan's name and date of birth, Dad likes to hunt
Third row: Aunt Kimberly likes to read, Cousin Patrick is on his way, Uncle Michael plays guitar
Bottom row: Jonathan's dog RC, Uncle Peter likes music, Jonathan's dog Kahlua
Top row: Grandma Darla Cooking, Jonathan's cat Nermal, Grandpa Bob in his Frontier Camping stuff
Second row: Mama Loves animals, Jonathan's name and date of birth, Dad likes to hunt
Third row: Aunt Kimberly likes to read, Cousin Patrick is on his way, Uncle Michael plays guitar
Bottom row: Jonathan's dog RC, Uncle Peter likes music, Jonathan's dog Kahlua
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