Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Lonely on a Wednesday Night

I've had to do a lot of adjusting the past few months between moving back to the US, my sister’s marriage, and my grandmother’s death. But it seems that the hardest adjustment is just starting. Living in small town America is great but it does have its drawbacks, the same as going to a small country church. WHERE ARE ALL THE YOUNG PEOPLE????? The closest people to my age are either married with children or 10 years older and never talk to me. Having lived in a large city (Skopje 750,000 to 1 million) I was always doing something and hanging out with other people, but since I returned to America the only time I've been around people close to my age was two weeks ago when I visited Hillary and Diane. Even then they live in completely different states. I'm terrible lonely tonight so excuse this rant, I'll be fine tomorrow (I hope).

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Hey -
I know I count as one of the married people, but I'd be happy to hang out sometime...
