Friday, March 9, 2012

Five Question Friday

1. Are you looking forward to the time change this weekend?

NO, NO, NO! Patrick will be a bear I'm sure. I'm always dragging as well and that just makes for two cranky people and not a good time.

The only positive thing is that we are going out to lunch with some good friends.

2. Are you getting the new iPad/would you want a iPad?

No, we have an iPad now and don't see the need to get a new one when ours works just fine.

3. If money was not a problem, what is the one thing you would splurge on?

Vacations!!! I love to travel and can't wait to visit and explore different places. The top places to visit as soon as I can are Ireland, Netherlands, Germany, Norway, France (again), Austria, and Turkey (Istanbul).

4. How did you and the Mr. (or Mrs.) meet?

We meet at a New Years Eve party. I was friends with his sister-in-law and brother. I was hesitant to meet him since I knew his brother wanted us to meet and get together.

5. Summer is right around the corner. Bikini or one-piece?

One-piece always and forever. I've never been that confident, mostly because I have a hard time finding a bikini that would support and cover my massive assets. Now, I don't think people would enjoy seeing my stretch marks. Although that might be a good deterrent to a teenage girl to see what a baby can do to your body.

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