Tuesday, March 19, 2013

28 Weeks

Peanut's the size of an eggplant!

At week 28, baby is putting on layers of fat and weighs in around 1.5 to 2.5 pounds, measuring about 13.6 to 14.8 inches. Her skin has a smoother and less wrinkled appearance too. And her lungs are mature enough that she could probably breathe on her own if she were born prematurely. Plus, her eyes, which can open and close now, can sense changes to light as well.  Baby can see? Well, the groundwork for vision has been laid, but baby's sight will actually continue to develop during infancy after she's born. Still, those blinking peepers are still something to get excited over!

Doing very well.  Biggest news, I'm in the third trimester.  Had my appointment yesterday and I'm measuring right one and Peanut's heart rate is always right around 145-150.  Got my Rhogam shot as my blood type is A- and Michael's blood type is +.  I double checked with my OB about my glucose test results and she said I got 105 which is easy passing.  Still a little unreal to me as my chances of having it were like 50%.  I've gained a whooping 4.6 lbs so far.  After all the sweets I've had lately I was expecting to have gained 4 lbs just the last couple of weeks not over the whole 28 weeks.  Blessed by God I guess.  I'd rather keep it this way.

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