Tuesday, March 12, 2013

27 Weeks Down, 13 To Go

Peanut's the size of a rutabaga!

Your baby is now 13.6 to 14.8 inches long and 1.5 to 2.5 pounds! And she's not just getting larger, she's becoming a complex little human being. This is the earliest she could survive outside of Mommy if delivered prematurely. Her brainstem, which controls most of her vital functions (such as heart rate, breathing and blood pressure) is nearly fully developed by this point, and her cerebral cortex (which forms consciousness and allows us to think, feel and perform voluntary actions) is growing more and more, maturing and becoming more complex during the last trimester. So don't be surprised by baby's karate kicks in your belly. She can stretch and make grasping motions now too!

Peanut has a favorite side and seems to be my left.  I swear there are times Peanut is stretching out to his full length.  I can also feel him moving side to side now.  I have a doctors appointment on Monday.  Nothing big, just a normal visit and rhogame shot, but I have this lingering though/fear that my Dr will ask by I didn't take my 3 hour glucose test because the nurse gave me wrong info.  Best news, Peanut has reached viability.  If baby comes now he has a 90% chance of surviving.  I've voting he stays put but at least he'll survive if born now.

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