Thursday, February 14, 2008

Poltical Rally

The Wisconsin primary is coming up on Tuesday the 19th, and there have been a lot of commericals and new coverage of the canidates. The news focuses mostly on the Democrates it seems, and not much is said or heard of the Repubicans unless it is the results from another states primary. So when I heard that Huckabee was going to be in Madison today, I decided to go to the rally and hear what he had to say. I met up with a co-worker, Emily, and her sister at the rally.
Gov. Huckabee was very entertaining. He told a few jokes at the beginning and then began to talk about why he should be the Republican nomination for president. He talked about his background growing up in Arkansas, his plans to help small businesses and the economy, and securing our boards to make America safer. It was the first time I had ever been to a political rally/campaign. It was interesting and very loud. I even had a reporter ask me some questions. I didn't know how to answer some of them. I'll have to check the paper and see if I'm in it tomorrow.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I looked for you on the news tonight, but didn't see you. It would have been fun to go if I didn't have to work...