Friday, January 18, 2013

Insulation In

We added insulation to our house this evening.  During the house inspection, we were told that the attic didn't have enough insulation in it.  No big deal we could easily add some insulation after we bought the house.

Well, today was the day.  We quadrupled the amount of insulation in the attic so that it meets the suggest R-factor for the area we live in.

That's right, QUADRUPLED.

Each inch of insulation is equal to about 3.2 R-factor.  No idea why it's called R-factor but anyways.  We only had 4.5 inches which equaled an R-factor of about 14.  Our recommended R-factor for Wisconsin, 49-60.

Huge THANK YOU to my in-laws for helping out.  It's such a blessing.

I'm so strange, but I'm exited about the fact that we added insulation.  Patrick liked climbing on it.

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