Sunday, June 23, 2013

First Week

Colin's first week has gone by quickly.  He is doing well and everyone seems to be adjusting well.  Patrick doesn't seem to notice Colin unless I'm feeding him or he is crying.  Colin has been doing well with nursing and has a good sleep schedule going on.  He's been going down for the night around 10:30 and wakes up somewhere around 7:30.  He usually wakes up only once to eat and goes right back to sleep.  He sleeps pretty soundly and quietly.  I've had to check on him a couple times to make sure that he is still breathing he is so quiet.

We went and had his newborn pictures taken today.  We got some good family photos and sibling photos taken.  He didn't want to cooperate for his individual pictures, so we are going back tomorrow for those.  I can't wait to see all the pictures once they are all done.

This week will be pretty quiet around the house.  Patrick has gone to the cottage with grandma and grandpa until Wednesday afternoon.  I hope to get a few things done around the house.  Next week, for the 4th of July, we are all going to the cottage.  I was thinking about going with this week but with Colin still getting onto a schedule I thought it would be best to wait.  I don't want to possibly throw him off.

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