Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!

If you are reading this I applaud you. I haven't written anything in over a year and most people have probably stopped checking to see if I've updated anything. Well, that's not quit true. I've written in my journal and on Facebook, just not on my blog. That may be part of the reason I haven't written on this blog in a long time. It's much easier to just update Facebook. Though you can give more details on a blog. So, all this to say "Sorry it has taken me over a year to write anything."

Now for something new. Yesterday, Michael and I went to the New Year's Game Night at our new church here in Beaver Dam. One of the people who came to the event, KJ, was an exchange student for Kyrgyzstan. One tradition they have in her home land is that each person writes down 12 wishes for the next year and then you choose 4 of your wishes. These are the wishes that will come true. Every decided to do this with KJ as well. My 4 wishes that will come true are listed below along with my 4 resolutions for this New Year. We'll see how I do.

1. Michael will get a raise
2. Michael will be able to start school this fall
3. Patrick's birth/my labor will be easy with no complications
4. We can get out of debt

1. Set up a consistent time for family Bible reading time and devotions
2. Write in this blog and my journal more consistently
3. Lose the baby weight I've put on after Patrick is born
4. Spend more time with family and friends


Rachel said...

I've been checking - glad you decided to write again...

I'll pray for your "wishes" to come true....and I can help out with resolution #4 if you'd like!

Janene said...

Nice blog Kimberly!