Friday, July 1, 2011

Five Question Friday!!

I'm so glad I found this while browsing other blogs. I think it is a lot of fun, I learn things about myself, remember things, and it gives me something to write each week. Feel free to answer the questions on your own in the comments. I would love to learn more about you.

1. If you had the opportunity to bungee jump, would you?
My first answer that popped into my head was no, what if I died, who would take care of Patrick? Then I started thinking and I would probably still bungee jump. The chances of getting hurt, let alone death, are much smaller than driving a car, and I do that every day with Patrick.

2. Would you rather go to the movie theater or to the drive-in?
I love the old time drive-ins. There are not that many left, but I know of two that are fairly close, one in the Dells and one by Jefferson. I would probably go to the drive-in right now because of Patrick. If he starts crying during the movie, it only disrupts Michael and me. Normally, I would say the theater; larger screen, louder sound, and more comfortable seats.

3. Do you have your groceries delivered?
Nope, I like to use grocery shopping as an excuse to get out of the house. Plus, Patrick is still too little to ask for things or get into stuff.

4. Eyebrows: Do you wax, thread, pluck, or stay au naturel?
I have to pluck or I end up with a nice dark unibrow look. I have waxed them a couple times and like the look, but I'm to cheap to keep having it done. I could do it myself, but I'm not sure if I trust myself to do it.

5. Would the people you went to high school with be surprised by your life today?
Probably not. They didn't notice me in High School, so I doubt they would take the time to notice me now, let alone be surprise at my life. Generally to be surprised you have to know something about the person first.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Kim-I love your answer to question #5. Well said! I think you have a lovely family and I love reading all about it here!