Friday, September 9, 2011

Five Question Friday

1. What ringtone do you have on your cell phone?

Not sure what it is called, but it whistles a tune and then there is some guitar playing. I plan to eventually get different ring tones for each person so I know who is calling before I get the phone. Plus that will help with "screening" my calls. :)

2. What is your favorite memory from this summer?

My favorite memory would have to be watching Patrick learn to crawl. It was fun to see him practice and improve each day until he was able to crawl without his belly on the floor.

3. Paper books or ebooks?

I prefer paper books. I like holding them, turning the pages, and then seeing how far I am when I close the book. Michael likes ebooks. He can read on any of his devices and he doesn't have to worry about forgetting where he was in the book.

4. If you could have one home upgrade what would it be and why?

I would go with a whole house instead of the apartment, but if we are talking about where we are right now, I would go with an additional room that I could use as a play room. Right now Patrick and the little boy I watch have to play in the living room around the furniture. I'd also go with a swing set in the backyard, but I don't think the apartment managers would agree to let us build one.

5. When was your first serious boyfriend/girlfriend?

My first serious boyfriend was in 2008 to a Michael Bohlman, my husband. He is my only serious boyfriend. I had some people I had considered dating, but they never went beyond being friends.

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