Thursday, September 22, 2011

I See My ? in My Son

I really enjoy genealogy, the study of my ancestors. Many people find this boring and like some relatives I know think "Who cares, they're dead." The reason I find genealogy so interesting is because the list of names and dates are more than just that. These names lived a life; there are stories that go with those names and dates. I remember listening to the stories that my grandmothers would tell me of their childhoods and growing up during the depression. I loved hearing what my grandparents and my parents were like as a child and the things they remember about their grandparents. My mother, at age 5, wanted to grow up to be big and tall like her grandma, who was only 4'11". It's these funny stories that I love about genealogy.

It's more than just the stories thought. "Your just like your mother/father" is the proverbial taunt that many people try to avoid. These traits have been handed down from one generation to the next until I see them in my child. As I watch Patrick, I'm already seeing certain traits that I can attribute to either myself or Michael. He is very stubborn at times or should I say determined. He likes to do things himself, especially eating. He will get upset and start yelling if he doesn't get to feed himself. These traits came from our ancestors; they are still a part of who we are even though they are long dead and many times forgotten.

And it is not just personality traits that are passed down. Patrick has my nose, which I got from my mother, and she got her nose from her father. My brother has been told he looks exactly like my father, who looks exactly like his father. I always wondered how far back this look alike thing went. The more research I do, the more relatives, distant cousins, I uncover or are put into contact with who have more information and even pictures. The past two years I've been able to meet up with two distant cousins from both sides of the family. It was fun to meet them and share stories and information.

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