Friday, September 30, 2011

Five Question Friday

1. Do you apologize to your kids if you're wrong?
Yes, I've already apologized to Patrick for stepping on him and knocking him over. I hope to keep this up as he grows and I do more things wrong. I think it is important to let my child know that I do things wrong just like him and need to apologize.

2. Do you have a class ring, letterman's jacket, or similar obscenely priced high school "must have"?
I have a class ring in my jewelry box on my dresser. I use to wear it all the time, but now I've got other jewelry that I wear more now. I never saw the point of a letterman's jacket. I'd never wear it after high school so I figured why buy one.

3. If you could be one age for the rest of your life, what age would you choose?
I like being 30 right now. Still young but not that young. I still have a lot of energy to do things and my mind is still sharp (except for spelling). I've got some good life experiences now but still have a lot to learn.

4. What is your favorite (unused) baby name?
As of right now for a girl I like Evangeline (Michael really likes this one) and Charlotte. For a boy I like Edmund (Michael isn't sold on this) and Colin. I hope to get to use some of these names in the future as Michael and I are planning on having more children.

5. If you could make your child like something what would it be?
I'd go with playing a musical instrument. I would love to have my child to learn to play the piano or violin. These are two of my favorite instruments.

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