Saturday, April 13, 2013

Potty Training

After a couple of nap times of Patrick staying dry I've decided to try potty training.  Yesterday we had the first day.

I set a timer to help remind me to have Patrick try going to the potty.  Worked pretty well until the evening when Patrick decided to not pee on the potty but the floor instead.  Yup, he's sit on the potty and not go.  Seconds after saying he was done and getting off the potty he would pee on the floor.  Then he laughed and smiled about it.

Today, he's been doing well.  No accidents, even when we ran errands to Target, Sears, Younkers, and Hardee's for lunch.  I put him in a diaper for nap just to be safe.  Hope this evening is better than last night.

Edit: I bought some "Toy Story" underwear to encourage him.

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