Saturday, July 30, 2011

Solids, Homemade Baby Food, and ?Cloth Diapers?

Patrick has started to eat solids this week. Up until about two weeks ago, he didn't show any interest in eating solids. He would watch us eat, but wouldn't open his mouth when offered our food. Since he hadn't shown interest I just kept nursing Patrick only. I figured he could wait another 2 weeks until I talked with Dr. Jones about how to start solids. At his 6 month appointment I talked with his doctor and he seemed surprised that I hadn't started solids yet. Patrick has started solids, rice cereal and toast or pretzel (no salt). He is doing very well with it.

Patrick likes to try and hold the spoon himself. He will grab my hand and pull the spoon forward to eat. He will also grab the spoon. After eating the cereal, I give him toast or a pretzel to eat on his own. Most of this ends up on his hands or the highchair. Here is a 2 minute video I took so Michael could see Patrick eat his first solids.

I've decided to make my own baby food to help save money. I've made up one batch of green beans after dinner last night. It was really easy. I steamed a whole bag of frozen green beans and what we didn't eat I pureed in the blender and then froze in ice cube trays. This morning I took them out of the try and stored them in a freezer bag. I plan to pick up sweet potatoes and bananas next time I'm at the grocery store.

Now I need to decide about cloth diapers. I've been doing some looking and think I might switch and save money. It will be more expensive up front, but I'll save money in the long run since I can use them for all future children. I'm looking at these Econobum diapers. What do you think? I'll probably get the green or white ones. You can also buy covers with designs. I like this one.

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