Friday, October 7, 2011

Five Question Friday

1. What is your go to comfort food or sweet?
I'm a secret Carboholic, so my comfort food has to some sort of carb. Nothing bests pastas and garlic breads. Warm bread is also a great choice.

2. What is the most romantic place you've ever been to?
Two part answer. With my husband, I'd have to go with Rome. We had the most wonderful walks around town discovering different places and getting lost. All the fountains were amazing and there were statues around every corner.

Without Michael, I'd have to go with Paris with my mom and sister. The food was wonderful. So many things to see and discover. I loved the walkway by the Seine. I could just see me there with Michael holding hands, strolling, and eating bread and cheese.

3. What is your favorite thing about fall/Halloween?
Absolutely, positively, all the colors that start to show up in October I love looking out my window and seeing all the trees turning red, yellow, and orange. I would love to take a trip to Vermont this time of year and see their famous fall colors.

4. How would you spend 24 hours alone?
Let's plan this out; first, I would sleep in to 8, take a long bath until 9ish and get dressed in something I haven't worn in a while. Then I would go out for brunch around 10. Then I think I would like to spend a few hours at a museum. After the museum, I think a message, pedicure, and manicure would be in order. Finally, a late dinner with appetizer and desert and then to bed.

5. Does you husband bring you flowers? Are you the bring-me-flowers type of girl?
Nope and nope. I'd rather he do the dishes then bring me the flowers. I like to have flowers in the house but we can't afford them right now. My favorite flowers are the Lily and Lilacs. The one is rather expensive and the other I've never seen for sale.

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