Tuesday, October 25, 2011

To Halloween or Not to Halloween

I'm stuck in a conundrum; should we take Patrick trick-or-tricking or not? Growing up I didn't go tricking-or-tricking but my church had a "Harvest Party" were we dressed up as Bible characters. Michael had the same experience as a child. That said, it would be no lost to us if we didn't do Halloween with our kid(s). I don't have objections to the basic dressing up or getting candy. I plan to have dress up clothes for Patrick to play with as he grows (after Halloween sales are great for this). It's the origins of the holiday and all the scary, grotesque things about Halloween I'm not to keen on. Christians are suppose to be different from the world we live in.

Do I really need to subject my child to other children dressed as murders, zombies, and the like. Good Morning America had a section on children's Halloween costumes being to sexy or to scary for children they are marketed to. Here's a link to the video section they did this morning.

I know some people do not believe that Christian should trick-or-treat. Others see no problem with it. I've heard arguments both ways. "Halloween is a pagan celebration of the death and all things evil. Jack-o-lanterns come from people trying to avoid becoming a human sacrifice of the Druids." The other side: "It's just a fun holiday to dress up and get candy. Nobody believes/remembers the pagan rituals anymore, so Halloween isn't a pagan celebration now any more than Christmas is a pagan holiday."

If we were to avoid any holiday based on or associated with a pagan holiday or tradition there would be many missing traditions and one very important holiday. Christmas is on December 25th because the church decided to take over the pagan winter solstice celebration. I don't think we will do anything this years since Patrick is too little to walk around or eat any candy he would get. But I'm wondering about next year. Would I feel okay with celebrating Halloween; should we just stick with a church party; or should we do nothing at all? I'm not sure but at least I have time to think about it.

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