Friday, October 14, 2011

Five Question Friday

1. Do you prefer your ice cream in a bowl or in a cone?
Bowl, then I can drink the melted ice cream at the end. I prefer the bowls made from a waffle cone. Then I can eat the bowl as well.

2. What three things do you love the smell of?
Fresh Bread
Christmas; cookies, cinnamon, vanilla, and pine trees

3. Giftcards or no? (In regards to gift giving...)
I do giftcards at times, especially when I'm not sure what to get the person and know they need/would like something more expensive than I can afford. They can then use the giftcard to help pay for what ever it is.

4. What sports did you play in high school if any and do you still play them?
I was a cheerleader and I still cheer for my favorite teams. Of course, I know longer wear the cute little uniform. Now it is usually jeans and a t-shirt or sweater.

5. Were you in band in high school? What instrument did you play?
Not in band, but I was in choir. I think it would be fun to join a choir again, but I'm not sure if there is one nearby.

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