Friday, October 21, 2011

Five Question Friday

1. Where do you escape to when you've had enough?
I use to escape to my room with a book. Now, there is no escape. With Michael working nights and sleeping all day, the only escape I get is nap time. During this time I usually relax on the couch or do house work. The closest escape I get now is going to my in-laws, my parents, or Rachel's house.

2. What shows are you watching this fall?
Mondays: Cake Boss
Tuesdays: NCIS
Wednesdays: Psych
Thursdays: Big Bang Theory

3. What was the longest roadtrip you've ever taken and where did you go?
I flew to Montana and then drove to Oregon and Washington with my friend Janene. I loved it and had a great time with Janene. We went to an international kite festival, Multnomah Falls, and I "swam" in the Pacific Ocean. It was actually more of a dip since the water temperature was only about 50 degrees.

4. Do you plan on taking your kids to Disney World?
I'd rather take them to see other things that teach them about the world around them. I want to take them to Yellowstone National Park and the Badlands in South Dakota.

5. What is something people would surprised to know about you?
When considering a career field I thought about being an archaeologist and a flight attendant.

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