Friday, November 4, 2011

Five Question Friday

1. What movie do you love to quote?
While watching, I like to quote "Independence Day."

2. Have you ever ridden a motorcycle?
Yes, many times. My dad had one when I was small and would take me for rides. Michael has one now that we would ride together until this year. Can't really take a baby on the motorcycle.

3. What's your favorite thing to do on a rainy day?
Read or bake. Reading is better for me since I end up eating everything I bake.

4. Do you prefer a bunch of small gifts, or one really big, (expensive) gift?
It depends on the year; this year I'm thinking many small gifts. Sometimes I would prefer the small groups, and sometimes it I would rather have the one large gift. I guess it depends on what I need/want. Meaningful or thoughtful gifts are best regardless of the size of the gift.

5. Do you ever lose track of days and show up somewhere wrong?
No, but I've written things down on the wrong day and then miss the event.

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