Thursday, December 15, 2011

Confessions of a Guilty Soul

Ever since going on maternity leave, back in January, I've had a hard time tithing to our church. The first couple of weeks was understandable since I didn't go to church. I stayed home to keep Patrick from catching any illness the first couple of weeks, doctor's orders. Then once I started going back to church I was out of the habit and forgot. During the summer we were not there very often due to family-get-togethers. Now that fall is here and I'm at church almost ever Sunday, I've got no reasons not to tithe, not that the above is any reason not to tithe.

I've been struggling with tithing for one main reason; money is very tight now that I'm staying at home. Having one little boy to watch is helping, but I could really use another child to watch full time. We need all the money Michael earns to pay the bills. Once the busy season is over, there will probably be no more overtime, and Michael switches back to day shift, which pays less, and we will really need the extra money that I should be tithing.

But God asks us to give to our church and pastors. "Even the oxen are allowed to eat while they tread." 1st Corinthians 9:9 (Kimberly paraphrase). We, the body of Christ, need to pay our pastors and God asks us to tithe in order for this reason. So, my ever worry prone mind says don't tithe you need the money, but my heart and conscience says pay tithe. God will provide for his children and so I must tithe. There will be not peace for me until I do.

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