Friday, December 16, 2011

Five Question Friday

1. What's the best Christmas present you've ever received?

Three years ago, Michael bought me a globe. It looks antiqueish . . . tans instead of blue for the ocean. It also has a wooden base instead of metal. I've been wanting one for a long time and had mentioned it once when we were watching a movie that had one like the one I wanted in it. I was very surprised.

2. Worst/Funniest White Elephant gift ever received?

Last year Michael got a pair of boxers with a fish on it that said "Mighty Minnow". We laughed so hard. We passed them on to my brother in his stocking.

3. Is your Christmas tree plain and simple (white lights and matching ornaments) or is it wild and crazy (colored lights with lots of ornaments collected over the years)?

Pretty plain and simple. I prefer white lights over colored. Our ornaments are plain red and gold.

4. "How" do you iron your clothes? The old fashioned iron/ironing board way, the shower, back in the dryer, etc.

Iron, what is that. I don't iron very often, but when I do I use and iron and ironing board. Usually this is when I'm sewing.

5. How much baking do you do for Christmas and what are your "must make" items? (I'm looking for recipes here, peeps...)

Well, so far this year I've make a gingerbread house, gingerbread men, Chinese chews, and peanut butter cookie cups. My favorite thing to bake that I haven't made yet is the "Eggnog Trifle Cake."

Basically you make a custard with eggnog, vanilla pudding, and gelatine. This is poured into a crust made from pound cake that has been slices and filled with raspberry jam and then layered on the bottom and sides of the pan.

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